What are you reading?

I'm currently rereading Beloved by Toni Morrison and Cormac McCarthy's Child of God

Both great books, but depressing as hell. I think I need something a little lighter. Or a higher dosage of Xanax.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I read "Stories I Only Tell My Friends" an autobiography by Rob Lowe. I thought it was really well written.
Go light! I can get lost in a Clive Clussler book....
pyramider's Avatar
I am locating taint photos.
The last two books were:

A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones
The Fault in Our Stars

Just started:

A Song of Ice and Fire: Clash of Kings
Wakeup's Avatar
The Last President - John Barnes, book three of the Daybreak series...
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Got 3 burning at the moment...never could grind straight through one. Commitment problem, I suppose.

Punishment by Rabindranath Tagore. It's real good. Hindoo woman exacts sweetest revenge!

Grand Strategies by Charles Hill. Odysseus was the first ambassador when he represented Agamemnon to Achilles to get his ass back in the fray.

Eastern Approaches by Fitzroy MacLean. Memoir of Scotsman who helped create SAS, but I haven't gotten that far yet. Just finished his witnessing of 1938 show trials when he was posted to Moscow as a junior diplomat. Bukharin was the only one of the 21 condemned Soviet officials who kept his wit and dignity, even though he never doubted his fate. Stalin needed scapegoats for the failure of his central planning...so much easier to blame imaginary saboteurs than an economic system that seeks to contravene human nature.
lyn.xes's Avatar
i too am reading three books

God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World--and Why Their Differences Matter, by Stephen R. Prothero

A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire #2) by George R.R. Martin, - i like the show and started reading it like a lot of folks have done i'm sure.

Hyperion (Hyperion Cantos #1) by Dan Simmons - i do like scifi

i thought about putting up my goodreads profile but then everyone could find out who i am. don't want that.
Balderfiddle's Avatar
The last two books were:

A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones
The Fault in Our Stars

Just started:

A Song of Ice and Fire: Clash of Kings Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Post when you're done with A Dance with Dragons and that's when I'll ring you up for an appointment lol. It would be nice to have someone to talk about this stuff with. Theories about the grand secret Ned took to his death?

Also btw I wonder how a provider would take the ending to A Storm of Swords. Post!

As for myself:
* For pure escapism, always reading Terry Pratchett - most recently _Raising Steam_
* Otherwise it's all business... I've got _The 48 Laws of Power_ and _How to Live / The Life of Montaigne_ and the usual computer programming books lying around
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 08-02-2014, 09:48 PM
Nothing currently, but I do plan on reading: The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy
I appreciate the thread Lauren Mayfair. Thanks

I'm currently reading two books even though I'm clearly going to have to read these in serial fashion. The Sickness unto Death by Soren Kierkegaard. Dubbed a christian psychological exposition for up-building and awakening and The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky (Penguin Classic). The first book is pretty deep so I need time to actually think about what I'm reading and process it. So Dostoyevsky's book will likely have to wait.

Last book I read was by Don Norman - The Psychology of Everyday Things
Nothing currently, but I do plan on reading: The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy Originally Posted by mr666
Great book. I also recommend The Creature from Jekyll Island
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I'm currently at a stand still in finishing the series of the Lunar Chronicles http://lunarchronicles.wikia.com/wik...nar_Chronicles

Next two books are not to be released until next year. (I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting, LOL)

Another book I just finished is The Prize Winner Of Defiance, Ohio. How My Mother Raised 10 Kids On 25 Words Or Less.

Next on my list deciding between And When She Was Good by Laura Lippman or Dirty Old Men by Omar Tyree. (the title always makes me laugh)

Fantastic thread by the way! I love to read, you should see my home library! LOL
  • Binx
  • 08-03-2014, 03:24 PM
I'm currently rereading Beloved by Toni Morrison and Cormac McCarthy's Child of God

Both great books, but depressing as hell. I think I need something a little lighter. Or a higher dosage of Xanax. Originally Posted by Lauren Mayfair
you should be more careful what you but in your mind. reading those two books is almost as bad as picking up the sunday new york times.

Clearly you need a break,

I suggest a literary trip to New Orleans:
Confederacy of Dunces or
Knockout Artist or
The Moviegoer
(in descending order of obvious humor)

or head out into space with Hitchhikers Guide.
When I feel the need for something lighter I prefer a movie to cheer me up.
I suggest After Hours or Let it Ride, two great but less known comedies. Or perhaps Addicted to Love if RomComs are what you are really craving.