Has anyone ever found out you are a provider or were one?

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Has anyone ever found out you are a provider or were one? I mean family, friends, anyone you would not tell? Have you been judged in a negative way or have they accepted you without judgment? The USA seems to be more conservative than other countries. The Puritan mindset never really lost it's grip.

As a male have your family, friends, co-workers found out? Do you get a high 5, or criticism? There is no doubt a double standard. Outside our little community I mean...
chicagoboy's Avatar
Please feel free to be the first to answer your own question.
rooster09's Avatar
Please feel free to be the first to answer your own question. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I can answer this question.

I am not out in the open with my lifestyle, but my good friends and close family do know about my part time proffession and they know that I enjoy my job. I think the people who really care about you, will support you no matter what.

I have had people that have found out before I got to tell them and lots of things outcomes have risen from this:

  1. Getting long lectures about how I am too good for this job. I'm too smart and beautiful and have so much potential.
  2. The more power to you speech "As long as you are going to school and got a good head on your shoulders you go girl!"
  3. Then they people who don't really care for better or worse!
pyramider's Avatar
Are you people calling me a whore, again?
simpleton's Avatar
I once told some friends that the ugly neighbor was paying me to bang her after I got caught leaving her apt in the early morning hours. That was embarrassing. But boy could she suck a dick.
only one lady responded????????????????
I once paid the bills for a provider, she worked at XTC...told me someone else who worked there, went through the numbers in her cell phone and called her mom and told mom where she worked...it was messy for a while!
My Grandfather who raised me since birth found out. And disowned me. Said i would End up just like my mother. If not worse: she passed away last year. I disagree with him since I am taking different paths.

A few of my close friends have found out, but all they know is that I go to dinner and hang out with men. That's all... I am too shy to just tell people about my other life.

Honestly now, I could care less how anybody thinks about it. Nobody but me/myself/I puts the food on the table.
YES!!!! This just happened to me recently to a good friend of mine for years! But he is still my friend no matter what! People just love to talk about what they know! No private people anymore! SOOO, who ever outted me,
sharkie's Avatar
[quote=rubyred;1341535]My Grandfather who raised me since birth found out. And disowned me. Said i would End up just like my mother. If not worse: she passed away last year. I disagree with him since I am taking different paths.

Did your grandfather find out accidentally or did someone tell him? People who "out" others really bother me. They just can't live with this bit of information. They know by sharing it that someone's going to suffer. Yuck.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I was outed and people did not judge me as the people I care avout love me regardless of what I did in my past. I would not like my current employer to find out! I'm sure it would cause drama but I work in a male dominated industry so they would probably just ask me to hook them up and laugh it off.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
How about outing someone to the police? How does it feel to do that to someone? I am sure that a past employer will want to have that discussion with SoH very soon.

Isn't Vivian due out soon?
My wife is always worried about this. The only people who are close to her who know that she was a high priced provider are me and her best girlfriend. I am a businessman. I have a grown family with all kids and inlaws in professional positions. My wife is younger and has a daughter. She wants none f these relatives to ever know. She always worries about seeing old "customers" when we are at business events or having dinner in a restaurant of a major hotel.

She also worries that old pictures of her are probably still on the Internet.

Because of her daughter, these issues really scare her a lot.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
The irony in this thread is rather.................let's see............overwhelming.