Who remembers Pippi Longstocking

The freckled faced red head girl has a pretty fucking hot sex tape.....enjoy

Actress Tami Erin

e_l traveler's Avatar
From what movie was she from?
Precious_b's Avatar
You're shitting me!

Like the bully in A Christmas Story.
From what movie was she from? Originally Posted by e_l traveler
The adventures of Pippi Longstocking. Used to watch it when I was a kid. Lol
Prowordsmith's Avatar
She evidently made this sex video with a former boyfriend. When they broke up, he was going to release it so to forestall him from making anything from it she sold the tape in October, 2013, to a porn video distribution/releasing company.
And now you know the rest of the story!
Wow!!! My fantasy come true. I used to have a crush on her. She's pretty sexy.
OMG I loved that show when I was a kid! But what happened to her freckles?!?! They were the best part!

I have to admit I kinda had a girl crush on her!
guy fawkes's Avatar
guy fawkes's Avatar
Ha! I will never look at Pippi Longstocking the same way I had NO idea about her tape....I guess everyone has them now
I have freckles
I LOVED PIPPI I would watch her all the time. and this may make me sound lame but I totally watched Sabrina the teen age witch just because "Pippi" was her college roommate. omg that does sound lame. let me quit. lol lmao