How Often Are You Logged Into ECCIE? Are You An Addict, An Active Hobbyist, or an Occasional Browser?

I see a lot of the same guys and girls posting and chatting most of the time I'm on here (which is pretty much every day if I'm not doing appointments) but there are a couple of members I only online see once in a while... I know a lot of guys on here may have families, hectic work schedules, or may not consider hobbying a big part of their life- they simply log on, browse, find the girl they're looking for, set an appointment, and then not bother with it for a few weeks or so.
To the married men: do you have your own PC that your wife doesn't have access to? If you guys share a computer, are you ever nervous about leaving this site in the history?
What about at work? Do any of you fellas log in from there when you're bored or things are going a little slow?
How often would you say you're online? 6+ hours a day? Once a day? Twice a week? Once a month?
Does anyone have ECCIE as their homepage so that it pops up as soon as you connect to the internet?
Reply or comment if you'd like.... just a fun thread
Guest091314's Avatar
When I have time during the day, keeps me laughing...
Bloodhound's Avatar
Another great ad sweet.treat69.
thanks hun ^_^
Imagine That's Avatar
I am on here just about every day. 3-4 hours at a time. I have my own personal laptop and no one else can sign on to my account.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I lurk. I am always lurking. I find Eccie drama continously amusing...
mansfield's Avatar
Few times a week. Secure browser, not nervous at all.

For those worried about browser security I recommend looking into an IronKey USB stick.

Self destructs if too many attempts to unlock, and contains a version of Firefox that keeps no history or cache on the local PC.
I am a lurker. Cause of the SO I don't have much time to post, mostly browse and go
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I log on via my smart phone and even write my reviews on it. Hobbying via iPhone is a lot easier than the computer. You can make last minute changes a lot easier when you get bumped or NCNS.
I lurk. I am always lurking. I find Eccie drama continously amusing... Originally Posted by Captain Caveman
Besides the welcome wagon intros and provider showcases, there are always interesting threads coming up. It was the reviews and threads probably as much as provider showcases that kept me browsing initially before I joined the forum. Once I got premium access, the ROS stuff and men's lounge have provided a lot more insight into both providers and hobbyists experiences and points of view. I'm single, but the site has an auto log off timer if there's no activity which is cool should I be gone and maintenance or the pest control guys come through the apt complex. Since I've been on vacation, I've logged in on and off several times a day.
regreq's Avatar
I'm a mid-40's hobbyist. Belonged to ASPD, then transitioned here, when that site shut down. My S/O has her own laptop. We both keep to our own respective laptops. I browse in an "incognito" window, so no "history" is there in any case. As for using the company computer: My employer is extremely security conscious, has a big MIS group, blocks adult/xxx sites in any case. (And I would never dream of attempting to visit this site from my office.)

I visit ECCIE maybe 2/3 times a week; sometimes less. Don't spend much time here like I used to. I browse the adds a bit, but frankly, I have had very little luck --- I simply will not agree to have my real name/identity attached to my hobbying (whether directly with a provider, or via a 3rd party), so that disqualifies me from all the ladies who catch my eye here. A few of the ladies who are truly newbie-friendly, usually are not my type due to weight, ink/tattoo, location, or other issues. My identity is mine, and especially with the job market being what it is, I refuse to risk my employment ever being jeopardized, however remote a possibility that might seem to be.

I stick pretty much to the AMPs, and go there weekly, so I usually check that forum b4 I visit my favorite AMPs, just to make sure there has been no recent raids there.

Not really thrilled with "chatting" on a website all day -- I visit eccie because of the hobby, not the chatting. So I guess I would classify myself as an occasional browser.
I'm an occasional browser, maybe once a month I'll log on, kinda catch up on everything going on and that's about it. My schedule doesn't allow for very much hobby time, or even browsing time, so when I get on here it's mostly to take advantage of the hobby time I've got. As far as being nervous about logging on, I live alone so no worry about the SO finding anything on my computer, and since I can safely log on at home I don't risk logging on anywhere else, aside from maybe my phone.
kenpachi's Avatar
im a casual browser i check in and see what new talent is out there, i treat myself if i worked really hard during the week... its the best stress reliever lol
cheatercheater's Avatar
I am never online. What website? What the heck is ecky?? Why would I need to go to a website like that? Thats discusting. I would never pay when I can get it free twice a year at home. Get real woman.

In denial? Yeppers....
gptxman's Avatar
I keep it on most of the day and during non peak times enjoy it as I can. If I was to guess I would say I have it on 6 to 8 hours a day and I active on it possibly 1 to 3 hours of that time depending on my day. I also have it on my phone as well so that is one reason I am on so much.

Then again there are days at a time and there have been several weeks at a time when I was not on at all in the past. It all depends on time available and if I am looking for my next girl to see I guess.