Texarkana whats up?

Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Hey visiting Texarkana soon what is going on and what's new? Let me know!
Hey Babe, I hope you do visit Texarkana. U would be very welcome!!! Let us know when
You better bring a lot of air fresheners with you cause it smells like rotten eggs, especially if the wind is blowing out of the south.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Is something going on with sewage or something? I didnt smell anything when I got in
Is something going on with sewage or something? I didnt smell anything when I got in Originally Posted by Jessika Sweetz
No not the sewage, it's the paper mills that smell like shit. If you stay there long enough you'll smell it.
No not the sewage, it's the paper mills that smell like shit. If you stay there long enough you'll smell it. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
Exactly....there is one to the north and one to the southwest. Some days the smell is stronger than other days.....depending on the wind direction.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Oh ok
I love Texarkana. Thankfully, the guys there usually keep me busy enough to distract me from the smell.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I never noticed there was a smell in Texarkana. Pine Bluff smells horrible though.
I'll have to visit Texarkana again one day