The Behind The Scenes of the SNATCH Thread

Dear friends,

I wanted to shed some light on how I utilize the Short Notice Availability Thread (SNATCH) and what is really going on behind the scenes. Maybe a few of the ladies can add their experiences as well.

When I post, as the guideline specifies, I am available within the hour. That means I am ready and I am going on with my life until I receive a text/PM/call from a friend requesting a visit. The mixture of technology and the attitude of placing you ahead of other things allows me to, usually, return your communication with me VERY quickly.

When I say I am ready, you have to understand who I am. Even before I joined the hobby, I was NEVER the type of woman to have mismatched underwear, granny panties, not be shaved and showered, or wear any sort of pantyhose that was not a thigh high with high heels. Nothing has changed. I am ALWAYS ready.

What exactly am I doing in the meantime? One of the blessings of being able to participate in the hobby is that it has allowed me to do the things that I love. I have a few places I volunteer at while I am not spending time with friends and family. As much as I would like to say I spend my days getting pampered and shopping, the truth is that I love people and I spend my time WITH people. Things are nice, but nothing replaces experiences.

So, when you see my post on the SNATCH thread, or any of the posts of the beautiful ladies there as well, think someone is just a quick PM away from turning all their attention towards you...

Ladies, what are your stories?


inspector farquar's Avatar
Now THIS is how to threAD! Assuming, of course, she posts some photos of herself scantily clad.
Precious_b's Avatar
I think this can be a very interesting and informative thread.
pickupkid's Avatar
very interesting
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I am ALWAYS ready ...

Ladies, what are your stories? Originally Posted by CamilleFox69

Nicely said.

Why no response?
When I have posted there it was because of cancellations. I do take the ready in hour or less part seriously so I'm ready to go.

Since I usually pre-book my dates I already have that time set aside...have imagined how good I'm going feel...maybe even have lightly teased myself.....decided from our communication what I'm wearing.....and then it becomes all for naught at the last minute.

Well a girl can open the drawer of her bedside table or make a post. Sometimes I post. Sometimes I say screw it if I know I'm not in the best mood, drink some scotch, and call it a night.
Chincho's Avatar
What about the women who post there everyday?

Should that be a red flag in other providers opinions?

Do you providers have time to sufficiently screen a new client quickly enough to render your services within one hour or even 5 hours?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar

Do you providers have time to sufficiently screen a new client quickly enough to render your services within one hour or even 5 hours? Originally Posted by Chincho
Many gents are pre-screened with many ladies. It becomes just a matter of matching schedules.
Chincho's Avatar
I said " do you providers" do you need to change your profile name to ts-johnnyyanks
Chincho's Avatar
I'm not sharing my popcorn with you if you answer that incorrectly.
What about the women who post there everyday?

Should that be a red flag in other providers opinions?

Do you providers have time to sufficiently screen a new client quickly enough to render your services within one hour or even 5 hours? Originally Posted by Chincho

I see the thread as a means to communicate with my clients. I do realize that some may have a negative perception of "last minute" availability, and that is why I wanted to give gents a glimpse of my life.

I never contact my clients and about 85% of my business is made up of repeat clients. My clients are aware that they can see if I am available when I post there.

If a newbie gent contacts me requiring a same day appt, it will greatly depend on how much info he is willing to provide, how courteous he is, how quickly I can verify his information. 90% of the time, we will schedule something in the future.

If a P411 client contacts me, he can book as quickly as I am available to see him. Same with my regulars or pre-screened clients.

The thread is a tool. I utilize it. I don't do short appts (except for regulars who used to schedule hhr, but I probably have less than 10 of them) and, honestly, most of my appts are 90 min or longer. I wish more ladies would see how great of a tool it is and, maybe, some of this negative perception would be put to sleep.


Chincho's Avatar
You actually just changed my view point of that thread Camille.
Camille, women everywhere should be reading your content. Need more of this, especially from both sides of the community.
ck1942's Avatar
And part of the "other side of the story,"

in that quite often I have read (and had it happen to me, too) where a gent contacts a lady not more than 5 minutes after she has posted and is told, "sorry, I'm booked now." Quite likely true in many instances, yet....

(Worse, contact is made and no, half hour from now won't work, got someone one coming, but 2 hours from now I am available, assuming that my appointment an hour from now shows up on time. True in a recent instance, my personal knowledge.)

imo the snatch thread has several potential downsides.... in my estimation....

For providers

-- overly frequent use of the thread may expose a provider to a possible interpretation by jerks or worse of a level of vulnerability, maybe even desperation at times.

-- at the very least, overly frequent use could be interpreted as a provider's inability to schedule, advertise or market well

For hobbyists

-- significant lack of research into provider services
-- ill-managed time
-- potential poor session results due to lack of research, etc.

= = = = =

While I certainly appreciate and sometimes use the thread on occasion, especially if I am in a short-time frame that was unexpected on my part.... I have had more mixed results than I prefer.

otoh, apparently my standard research methods have not been working that well of late, either. Could be me, maybe not. But my standard hobbying patterns have changed significantly since Spring, mainly due to time issues on my part more so than availability issues of atf's, etc.
I was recently told that the snatch thread is great, but it stays up all day, meaning a girl can become busy or not available and she cant take it off or revise it...maybe there should be an option to take her snatch ad off once her availability is no longer available for short notice requests. either way , I think its great, atleast it shows who is up for the moment. I just come here to window shop.