Providers stalking other providers reviews for business

Imagine this:

A provider retires. A year later another provider comes along and starts stalking that provider's old reviews (because she was very successful and well-liked) and new provider contacts every one of the retired provider's reviewers for business, saying "I talked to such and such provider and she said I should contact you. I give great head and would love to meet you. Here is my website and my rates. Call me." The likelihood of this being true is very slim and the retired provider has well over 100 reviews on just eccie alone!

What do you think of this kind of business practice?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Really? You think it's clever? As a hobbyist, you wouldn't feel weird that your review was stalked by some provider who then contacted you and advertised her services to you, unsolicited?
Really? You think it's clever? As a hobbyist, you wouldn't feel weird that your review was stalked by some provider who then contacted you and advertised her services to you, unsolicited? Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
Annie dear, I'm not sure that researching and soliciting customers directly from the reviews of another provider could be considered stalking. There may be other moral and ethical issues in play but, remember where you are and who you're talking to....the nature of this website/business is morally and ethically challenged.
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  • `flip
  • 02-12-2014, 08:21 PM
Clever! Originally Posted by chicagoboy

Really? You think it's clever? As a hobbyist, you wouldn't feel weird that your review was stalked by some provider who then contacted you and advertised her services to you, unsolicited? Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
Depends if she was hot and if she in fact gave great head. She sounds like a real go getter to me. LOL
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  • `flip
  • 02-12-2014, 08:22 PM
Annie dear, I'm not sure that researching and soliciting customers directly from the reviews of another provider could be considered stalking. There may be other moral and ethical issues in play but, remember where you are and who you're talking to....the nature of this website/business is morally and ethically challenged. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
+5 LOL
Very interesting that hobbyists would not mind being solicited without permission. Hmm.
  • katee
  • 02-12-2014, 08:33 PM
I think it's just called "marketing." If you have something to sell you have to market it!
I don't consider it stalking at all! Maybe the retired lady was trying to help the other one get started. Contacting a hobbyist that is considered to be a good client, should be flattering to you. We are all in here for the same thing!
`flip's Avatar
  • `flip
  • 02-12-2014, 08:33 PM
Very interesting that hobbyists would not mind being solicited without permission. Hmm. Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
Watch out guys I think some unsolicited contact is coming your way in a PM box near you. LOL
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  • `flip
  • 02-12-2014, 08:40 PM
I think it's just called "marketing." If you have something to sell you have to market it!
I don't consider it stalking at all! Maybe the retired lady was trying to help the other one get started. Contacting a hobbyist that is considered to be a good client, should be flattering to you. We are all in here for the same thing! Originally Posted by katee
On a serious note I agree with what katee is saying, and NO I wouldn’t be upset if a lady contacted me that way. I would absolutely be doing a little more recon than I normally would, however if she were my type and I could make sure she was what she said she was sure I would be willing to take the plunge.

Now that said it would greatly depend on the method of contact, on the boards sure contact away. However I don’t think I would respond as favorably if my phone was being called out of the blue in this case being she would have had to get my number from somewhere…
On a serious note, I don't do that kind of shit, flip. Don't even insinuate that I would or I wouldn't have posted the question after hearing about this. I think it's tacky and I am a lot more professional than that. If I have to go stalk reviews and send unsolicited emails to gents I have never met, then there is a problem.

The retired provider is... away. I don't think she's giving out hobbyist names of who to contact to another provider while she's away. I'm talking away as in... "you don't talk about hobbyists and who to give your old clients to" kind of "away".

I just think it's wrong and I wanted to see what others thought. Maybe this is the norm. I'd never heard of it happening til recently.
Very interesting that hobbyists would not mind being solicited without permission. Hmm. Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
I'm glad to see you questioning this method of solicitation and happy to know you would frown upon it as a business model but, as you know, some people have no shame. I've been directly solicited quite a few times, mostly from providers in Oklahoma (go figure), it didn't bother me and I certainly didn't consider it stalking.
You are entitled to your opinion.
`flip's Avatar
  • `flip
  • 02-12-2014, 08:59 PM
On a serious note, I don't do that kind of shit, flip. Don't even insinuate that I would or I wouldn't have posted the question after hearing about this. I think it's tacky and I am a lot more professional than that. If I have to go stalk reviews and send unsolicited emails to gents I have never met, then there is a problem Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
LOL Annie I never said you would, I was just making a light hearted joke which I'm finding more and more that humor around these parts is a rarity… It's saddening life is way too short to live without humor..
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-12-2014, 10:44 PM
Annie, that very thing happened to me last month. I would never be upset about a lady writing to me out of the blue, and I have gotten a number of unsolicited e-mails (often from P411 or D-C ladies who are coming to visit my home town). That has never bothered me, and I can always politely decline.

But I would be upset if she claimed that a lady I knew had recommended that she contact me if it wasn't true. I received a PM from a lady saying that she got my name from XXXXX, a now-retired lady I had seen and written some glowing reviews of. She said she was "just like" XXXXX, but didn't display any of the wit, class, and charm that always were present in XXXXX's e-mails. Plus XXXXX and I are still in pretty frequent contact and I was pretty sure she would have told me directly if she was going to pass my name to any other lady.

I wrote XXXXX and sure enough she knew nothing about the woman other than the fact I wasn't the first guy to write XXXXX and ask if she was really giving out guys' names.

No, that kind of dishonesty I would find very unacceptable.