started from the bottom.

Hey I am a newbie and was wondering how to build my credibility in the hobbyworld? Any pointers and suggestions. Take it easy on me again I'm a newbie.
Chincho's Avatar
Simple be a real man just the same as I hope you are in the real world do the right thing and don't ever kiss a hookers ass unless your paying more than 37.5 and bologna sandwhich for the privilege. Theres courtesans, providers and good lil hoogars then there's hooktards and whores learn the difference and who's who.
Hey I am a newbie and was wondering how to build my credibility in the hobbyworld? Any pointers and suggestions. Take it easy on me again I'm a newbie. Originally Posted by hobby210happy
Spend money. Don't be an asshole to the hooktards.
Hey I am a newbie and was wondering how to build my credibility in the hobbyworld? Any pointers and suggestions. Take it easy on me again I'm a newbie. Originally Posted by hobby210happy
Welcome aboard! Start by reviewing the newbie-friendly ladies found in this thread ( and reach out to several with introductory Private Messages through their Showcases. Work with them on their screening. Some have alternative screening criteria that you may not be comfortable with. If so, politely decline and move on to the next. Keep in mind that we're all here to have fun, but safety and security will always be the top priorities.

When it comes to the session itself, follow the 4 Basic Rules that will build your credibility among the ladies:

(1) Show up. Or cancel with appropriate notice.
(2) Make her laugh.
(3) Make her cum (if you can. Not a deal-killer if you can't.)
(4) Don't be a jerk.

Then write and post reviews of your sessions with your honest comments. If you choose to add a comment to a thread, try to be informative and/or entertaining. Your opinions are welcome, too, as long they're expressed without insult.

Good luck! Have fun and stay safe!
inspector farquar's Avatar
Wash your ass. And again. A third time never hurt nobody.
takeabreak512's Avatar
First your PMs are not private and will be shared in parts of ECCIE you do not have access. Second is to figure out which of the reviews are fake and which are real. The fake reviews are ECCIE pimps trying to get business for their stable. Last is read my signature and make sure to not pay for other ECCIE non-pimps pussy.

P.S. Do not loan or give anyone on ECCIE money no matter the circumstance unless you are getting a service in return. The grifters are strong with ECCIE.
Get a P411 account!
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
.... Do not ... give anyone on ECCIE money no matter the circumstance ... Originally Posted by takeabreak512
So I'm guessing you won't be contributing to the Xmas Funds-for-whispers-Raiser?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... The grifters are strong with ECCIE. Originally Posted by takeabreak512
Love this guy!
inspector farquar's Avatar
Got an update newb?