Ladies... don't you wish it was these easy

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They were truly brilliant.
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Skit from Kids in the Hall
tia travels's Avatar
I used to watch KITH every now and then. That was cute. He sure was nervous.
For some reason It doesn't want to play on my phone
The main point for the skit was just to be funny, but I think it highlights something else. No matter how shy, timid, scared, completely lacking confidence, knees-shaking we might get, you hard-working thoughtful ladies always do whatever you can to calm us down. You are the most thoughtful, sharing, considerate, and pioneering of any women's group.

I don't think my idea would go far, but someone should come up with a cleverly worded holiday that would acknowledge all the positive influences you've had on society historically. If you're unsure what I mean, check out the Stossel special on why it should be legalized and why all those who condemn it are more than likely enjoying some aspect of life made possible by providers. Shit that alone should make you feel pretty damn special, but don't forget.. you're also gorgeous enough to make men forget how hard it was to earn their paycheck.