This biz

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I have been back in this biz for about 3 maybe 4 yrs after taking 10 yrs off.
Since I have been back in it I learned about all the internet ways to advertise and the rules of the game and how they have changed.
In my 30 plus yrs of off and on doing this business I have never undermined, belittled or accused a provider of doing anything that I did not have on paper or first hand knowledge off. I have never tried to hurt a client or make them feel less than. I pride myself in this.
I have helped lots of new providers when they come into the business asking only that they respect my business and don't use the info I provide them to help them to hurt me.
Since I have been back this last few years, I have been set up, lied to by providers, back stabbed, undermined, accused of doing things I would never do and with out proof other then their make believe voices in their heads.
I still try to help people clients and providers alike because I truly care about everyone's safety and not just my own.
Lately though I have had a bad taste in my mouth and have decided that I will not help anyone anymore.
Its a shame that this business has to be so cold, selfish and self centered when it should be the opposite.
The only way I will provide references from this point on is if the guy contacts me and tells me who he wants me to provide the reference too. I will no longer be accepting any calls from providers for references.
It's a shame some people think they have to tear down others to build themselves up. You've been a big help to a lot of people, you helped me get established when I started hobbying locally, and I'll always thank you for that.