Chris Rock on the false left-right paradigm

Pink Floyd's Avatar
Chris Rock nails it in this short clip.

Liberal & Conservative

This is another Chris Rock Classic
How not to get your ass kicked by the police!
  • helen
  • 12-25-2010, 11:04 PM
this is one of my favorites, chris rock on marriage
Naomi4u's Avatar
I love THIS!
Haha, I love Chris Rock, he's hilarious!

One of my favorites by him is saying how women have platonic friends and he says "Men, we don't have platonic friends. We just have women we haven't fucked YET. If she considers you a friend, it means you screwed up somewhere along the way, and wound up in the friend zone."

He also does a piece about strippers which I thought was funny.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Haha, I love Chris Rock, he's hilarious!

One of my favorites by him is saying how women have platonic friends and he says "Men, we don't have platonic friends. We just have women we haven't fucked YET. If she considers you a friend, it means you screwed up somewhere along the way, and wound up in the friend zone."

He also does a piece about strippers which I thought was funny. Originally Posted by itsmejessicalee
rotfl!! Too funny! Do you have that clip? I heart him!
ok I CAN'T BELIEVE this hasn't been put on here yet, because according to Chris Rock there is NO SEX in the champagne room!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
That is too funny!!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
He goes in all the time. I love him.
macksback's Avatar
tia travels's Avatar
I liked the POLICE video.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
How about Pablo Fransisco as the Movie Man