Age limit in showcases?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
I was reading a post in the Austin forum about a glitch in provider showcases. Evidently rates aren't always showing. As long as the techs are at it, is there a way to correct the age limit? My profile says I'm 50 and that's evidently the highest choice. I'm 51 (with another birthday coming in October) and feel no need to hide it, and gosh knows I don't want anyone accusing me of lying about my age. (No woman would, GASP, ever do that!) As long as we're being imprecise, how about a 45+ bracket? Thank you.
I think that's a wonderful idea Fancy !!!
Mojojo's Avatar
Ms. Fancy, that's an excellent suggestion. We will forward it to the feedback and suggestion box in the main page. To be honest I was never aware of the situation, but you do certainly bring up an interesting point.