Justice Sonia Sotomayor delays health law's birth control mandate

I B Hankering's Avatar
WASHINGTON (AP) — Only hours before the law was to take effect, a Supreme Court justice on Tuesday blocked implementation of part of President Barack Obama's health care law that would have forced some religion-affiliated organizations to provide health insurance for employees that includes birth control coverage.


Very interesting.
LexusLover's Avatar
I thought that posters on here had declared Obamacare CONSTITUTIONAL!!

Sonia, didn't get the memo.
Wasn't she busy pushing the button for the ball drop in New York City?
I thought that posters on here had declared Obamacare CONSTITUTIONAL!!

Sonia, didn't get the memo. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yet another in an increasingly long line of deceptive remarks from Lexi Liar.

It was a Dub appointee (Justice Roberts) who was the Obamacare "Decider."

Doesn't it make you proud to know that your 2 votes for Dubya helped pass Obamacare?
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-01-2014, 09:29 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) — Only hours before the law was to take effect, a Supreme Court justice on Tuesday blocked implementation of part of President Barack Obama's health care law that would have forced some religion-affiliated organizations to provide health insurance for employees that includes birth control coverage.


Very interesting. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yes, and irritating. The law is being shredded to pieces by this kind of nonsense.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
it won't stand.

It was a short story, Corpy. why did you only cut and paste the lead?

what were you trying to hide?
This is confusing. We went through the entire Supreme Court thing where the Court decided that the ACA was constitutional.

Or at least that is what the public was lead to believe.

Now this. So my question is, What is next?

In between President Obama signing executive orders that Cherry Pick out certain parts he does't like, ( sort of a de-facto line item veto), and now this, what is left of the legislative Proccess that is set forth in our Constitution.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yet another in an increasingly long line of deceptive remarks from BigTurd.

Doesn't it make you proud to know that your 2 votes for Obaminable helped pass Obamacare? Originally Posted by bigtex
There. Fixed it for you!
LexusLover's Avatar
This is confusing. Not really.

We went through the entire Supreme Court thing where the Court decided that the ACA was constitutional. Not Really. . Originally Posted by Jackie S
There have been some ignorant posters on here who drew that conclusion.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yes, and irritating. The law is being shredded to pieces by this kind of nonsense. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
That's what happens to bad laws.

They get eventually shredded.

It's called "due process."
Doesn't it make you proud to know that your 2 votes for Obaminable helped pass Obamacare? Originally Posted by LexusLover
It is ironic that Lexi Liar and I finally have something (political) in common. My 2 vote(s) for Obama helped put a process in place to enable every US citizen an opportunity to obtain Obamacare.

Lexi Liar's 2 vote(s) for Dubya helped put a Chief Justice in place who had the knowledge, wisdom and intestinal fortitude to recognize the constitutionality of Obamacare.

As for me personally, I am absolutely thrilled that everyone will have the opportunity to obtain affordable health insurance that is far more comprehensive than emergency room services.
LexusLover's Avatar
It is ironic that Lexi Liar and I finally have something (political) in common. My vote(s) for Obama helped put a process in place to afford every US citizen an opportunity to obtain an affordable, health insurance plan. Originally Posted by bigtex
If that is what you believed, then you, Big Turd, were intoxicated with the snake oil. But ...

. not to worry, there are millions who marched right along with you in lock step to the polls.

If you like company, then you have lots of it.

Including the MILLIONS who have lost their coverage because of THE LAW!!!!!!

With MILLIONS more to follow!!!

If Congress doesn't have the balls to unravel this mess, then I expect the Court's to do so.

FYI: It was NEVER the goal of the ACA to insure everyone and BEFORE the ACA ...

every citizen and NON CITIZEN had the "opportunity to obtain" health care. The taxpayers were paying for it, just like the taxpayers are going to pay for the ACA.....THAT IS ... the ones who get jobs to earn the money to pay the taxes!!!!!

Where is your new candidate for 2016? She's been MIA LATELY.
And a Crappy New Year to you (Lexi Liar), as well!

I hope you enjoy your 'gubment' sponsored Medicare plan this year!
There have been some ignorant posters on here who drew that conclusion. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And to hell with the Legislative Proccess.
LexusLover's Avatar
I hope you enjoy your 'gubment' sponsored Medicare plan this year! Originally Posted by bigtex
You been eating burgers with YouRong at the Nau's ENFIELD Drug, have you?

Must be the spices.

BTW, you still paying self-employment taxes? YouRong didn't even know what it was. Do you?