The final tally for Obamacare: 2013

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Six million people lost their insurance plans. According to the White House, 2.1 million have signed up for Obamacare. While at the same time we know that many are going on Medicare instead of Obamacare. Thousands have already been informed that they have not really signed up and tens of thousands more don't really know. Others have not paid yet (so they have no insurance) and now we find out that if you want to have a baby on can't. You really can but there is so much paperwork to fill out now (who knew a new born baby had so much paperwork attached) that you might want to postpone birth (at least until the baby turns 26). Abortions are still free.
LexusLover's Avatar
Six million people lost their insurance plans. According to the White House, 2.1 million have signed up for Obamacare. While at the same time we know that many are going on Medicare instead of Obamacare. Thousands have already been informed that they have not really signed up and tens of thousands more don't really know. Others have not paid yet (so they have no insurance) and now we find out that if you want to have a baby on can't. You really can but there is so much paperwork to fill out now (who knew a new born baby had so much paperwork attached) that you might want to postpone birth (at least until the baby turns 26). Abortions are still free. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
IMO you are feeding the myth by stating ...

"2.1 million have signed up for Obamacare. While at the same time we know that many are going on Medicare instead of Obamacare."

#1: "Signing up" and having health care coverage are two distinct "conditions" ....

For instance: Millions "signed up" to win one of the various "lotto" games. Who won?

#2: There is no health care coverage issued in a policy called "Obamacare"!

#3: The "signup" number ... INCLUDES MEDICAID applicants, who still must QUALIFY.

#4: "Medicare is not the same as Medicaid.
flghtr65's Avatar
Six million people lost their insurance plans. According to the White House, 2.1 million have signed up for Obamacare. While at the same time we know that many are going on Medicare instead of Obamacare. Thousands have already been informed that they have not really signed up and tens of thousands more don't really know. Others have not paid yet (so they have no insurance) and now we find out that if you want to have a baby on can't. You really can but there is so much paperwork to fill out now (who knew a new born baby had so much paperwork attached) that you might want to postpone birth (at least until the baby turns 26). Abortions are still free. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Romney Care had problems when it was first implemented. Now, 97% of the citizens of Mass are insured. If you age 65 or older, you belong in Medicare. If your income is less than $20,000 you belong on your state Medicaid program. Considering how long the website was down for code fixes, 2.1 million is not a bad number at this point in time. The 6 million who had their policies cancelled can log on and get a new one. If they can't find one they like, then they can go for the hardship exemption and get a minimum type coverage policy. You were able to get a new policy right? Your premium is a little higher, your deductible is higher, your check ups are covered and any preventive medicine type procedure is covered with your premium right? So JD it is not all gloom and doom.
Romney Care had problems when it was first implemented. Now, 97% of the citizens of Mass are insured. If you age 65 or older, you belong in Medicare. If your income is less than $20,000 you belong on your state Medicaid program. Considering how long the website was down for code fixes, 2.1 million is not a bad number at this point in time. The 6 million who had their policies cancelled can log on and get a new one. If they can't find one they like, then they can go for the hardship exemption and get a minimum type coverage policy. You were able to get a new policy right? Your premium is a little higher, your deductible is higher, your check ups are covered and any preventive medicine type procedure is covered with your premium right? So JD it is not all gloom and doom. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Don't confuse the Admiral with facts or reason. It interferes with his ability to process bullshit.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Romney Care had problems when it was first implemented. Now, 97% of the citizens of Mass are insured. If you age 65 or older, you belong in Medicare. If your income is less than $20,000 you belong on your state Medicaid program. Considering how long the website was down for code fixes, 2.1 million is not a bad number at this point in time. The 6 million who had their policies cancelled can log on and get a new one. If they can't find one they like, then they can go for the hardship exemption and get a minimum type coverage policy. You were able to get a new policy right? Your premium is a little higher, your deductible is higher, your check ups are covered and any preventive medicine type procedure is covered with your premium right? So JD it is not all gloom and doom. Originally Posted by flghtr65

Once again, Romneycare is not the same thing as Obamacare. Why not compare a road apple to a Honeycrisp. I'll eat the latter and you can have the former. My policy is now more expensive because of procedures that I don't need being added. Kind of look at that as a tax on me and more money for Blue Cross and Blue Shield at the orders of Obama.

Not trying to continue the myth. Trying to point out that we have only the governemnt's word (the same people who lied about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the NSA scandal, the Black Panther scandal, etc) that 2.1 million even signed up. So we take them at their word and they still fail. I could have signed up to Amazon a month after it started and would not have waited. I would have been certain of my success and I would not have recieved an email a month later telling me to try again. And now I would not have been warned about a disruption because of the weather in the Northeast. ie, the government is probably lying about the numbers.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are twisting, spinning and fabricating the situation based on TeaPuke puking points. throw a little Jdidiocy into the mix and we get rants like yours in this thread. How much of this is really true? How much is conjecture? How much is the product of an idiotic mind?

I'd answer: a tiny bit, most and ALL!

How are you doing with these arguments on the street JDIdiot?
Don't confuse the Admiral with facts or reason. It interferes with his ability to process bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
Please feel free to present some facts Timmy!

The US govt had 3 years to build a website that any commercial website would of had the statistics of success overnight, at the latest. On any given day I can see the hundreds of thousands of daily transactions including the millions of dollars in credit card transactions from over a thousand stores in almost every state. And our POS system is considered a dinosaur.

So please enlighten us Timmy as to why there's no up to date, reliable, statistics!

Also, its proven that Obama lied about keeping your insurance policy. Period!
Also, its proven that Obama lied about keeping your doctor. Period!
Also, its proven that Obama lied about reducing the avg family's policy cost $2500.

So please enlighten us Timmy about your superior "reasoning" where we should believe The President who knowingly lied to get his signature healthcare policy passed.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-04-2014, 12:00 PM
Please feel free to present some facts Timmy!

The US govt had 3 years to build a website that any commercial website would of had the statistics of success overnight, at the latest. On any given day I can see the hundreds of thousands of daily transactions including the millions of dollars in credit card transactions from over a thousand stores in almost every state. And our POS system is considered a dinosaur.

So please enlighten us Timmy as to why there's no up to date, reliable, statistics!

Also, its proven that Obama lied about keeping your insurance policy. Period!
Also, its proven that Obama lied about keeping your doctor. Period!
Also, its proven that Obama lied about reducing the avg family's policy cost $2500.

So please enlighten us Timmy about your superior "reasoning" where we should believe The President who knowingly lied to get his signature healthcare policy passed.

Donk. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Part D was delayed from the initial start date, website issues were blamed, Part D is a popular aid for seniors.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-04-2014, 12:54 PM
Six million people lost their insurance plans. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Six million people need to get a different plan.

Nine million people get a plan.

Right wingers whine.
Part D was delayed from the initial start date, website issues were blamed, Part D is a popular aid for seniors. Originally Posted by CJ7
No facts!
No reasoning!

Pay no attention to the troll behind the curtain!

Six million people need to get a different plan.

Nine million people get a plan. Originally Posted by Doove
Links? Cites?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Doove must be talking about all those illegals waiting to get theirs.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-04-2014, 02:44 PM
My policy is now more expensive because of procedures that I don't need being added. Kind of look at that as a tax on me and more money for Blue Cross and Blue Shield at the orders of Obama.

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I pay school taxes and do not have any is your point cry baby? That you pay taxes for something you will not use? We all do.
I pay school taxes and do not have any is your point cry baby? That you pay taxes for something you will not use? We all do. Originally Posted by WTF
Incredibly moronic. Again, lack of comprehension, logical conclusions, setting up strawman to knock them down...all in one short post...Incredible.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I haven't had a fire. I haven't had to call an ambulance. I haven't had to call the cops. I haven't had a kid in local schools in more than a decade. I haven't been to a county hospital.

I pay my taxes so that people like YOU can, dipshit.

Fact is. you can whine, cry, piss and moan all you want. If you haven't got health insurance, you need to have it. If you've already got it, STFU!