Global waming has been averted, celebrate!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The evidence is mounting. Global warming is turning out to be a scam at the worst, and poor science at the best. So now we have Global Warming deniers running around trying to prop up bad science.

We would think that they would celebrate if they could say that they saved the world but they aren't. They are still asking for funds, dollars, Euros, rubles, tax dollars to do more research.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-04-2014, 01:41 PM
Wow, THAT was not biased journalism, was it?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess the proof is outside your window. Record cold today, mild summer last year, record snowfall last winter and so on. I don't know about you but up here in Missouri I remember 105 degree summer days in the 1960s. Haven't seen them very much anymore. However, if you want something more scientific; there was a story in 1991 about the jetstream changing course which would result in a hotter, dryer season north of Texas. If fact, it was described as the Texas panhandle coming to the midwest. The jetstream changes course about every 20 years so about 2010 it was due to change course again. See that is the science of climate change in a nutshell that explains what happened over the last 20 years. Funny how they forget to mention that or the additional sunspot activity. Mankind has about as much to do with climate change as a flea has of getting a dog to go the river. We're just along for the ride.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Can we call it a tally whacker?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-04-2014, 03:33 PM
I guess the proof is outside your window. Record cold today, mild summer last year, record snowfall last winter and so on. I don't know about you but up here in Missouri I remember 105 degree summer days in the 1960s. Haven't seen them very much anymore. However, if you want something more scientific; there was a story in 1991 about the jetstream changing course which would result in a hotter, dryer season north of Texas. If fact, it was described as the Texas panhandle coming to the midwest. The jetstream changes course about every 20 years so about 2010 it was due to change course again. See that is the science of climate change in a nutshell that explains what happened over the last 20 years. Funny how they forget to mention that or the additional sunspot activity. Mankind has about as much to do with climate change as a flea has of getting a dog to go the river. We're just along for the ride. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And I suggest you look a bit beyond the window in your living room. Glaciers are melting at historic rates. Animals native to Mexico and Central America are moving north of the Rio G. migratory flights from the arctic are changing, stopping much farther north because they don't have to go as far to find food--because the plants are growing farther north.

To claim that climate change is not happening is absurd denial.

To talk about how much is human induced, that seems fair game for discussion. To go into that discussion assuming the answer is 100% is stupid. To assume it is 0% is equally stupid.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And I suggest you look a bit beyond the window in your living room. Glaciers are melting at historic rates. Animals native to Mexico and Central America are moving north of the Rio G. migratory flights from the arctic are changing, stopping much farther north because they don't have to go as far to find food--because the plants are growing farther north.

To claim that climate change is not happening is absurd denial.

To talk about how much is human induced, that seems fair game for discussion. To go into that discussion assuming the answer is 100% is stupid. To assume it is 0% is equally stupid.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Go back and read carefully. When the jetstream changed more than the weather came north. I told my brother back in 1991 to watch out for the approach of armadillos in Missouri. Saw one the next year.

To talk about how much is human caused is the very crux of the discussion (sorry, you want to avoid that). If human's can cause it then human's can stop it right. We didn't cause it this time and we won't stop it (and by it I mean change). Bjorn Lomborg had it right. We should be spending our time and money learning to live with it instead of wasting money trying to stop it. Kind of like spending you time and money drinking Red Bull in order to piss into a house fire. You're not going to put it out but you are going to waste irreplaceable opportunities.
I guess the proof is outside your window. Record cold today, mild summer last year, record snowfall last winter and so on. I don't know about you but up here in Missouri I remember 105 degree summer days in the 1960s. Haven't seen them very much anymore. However, if you want something more scientific; there was a story in 1991 about the jetstream changing course which would result in a hotter, dryer season north of Texas. If fact, it was described as the Texas panhandle coming to the midwest. The jetstream changes course about every 20 years so about 2010 it was due to change course again. See that is the science of climate change in a nutshell that explains what happened over the last 20 years. Funny how they forget to mention that or the additional sunspot activity. Mankind has about as much to do with climate change as a flea has of getting a dog to go the river. We're just along for the ride. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So, all of us should look to your personal climatology experiences, right? As opposed to all the research and the studies and the radars and the satellite shots and all the other ..... you know...stuff...all that science and long term-study stuff. You know...the stuff propounded by the people that go to school to study this stuff...rather than the people who get paid by the fossil fuel companies.... that convinces everybody except the fossil fuel proponents who make billions of dollars off the stuff that causes climate know...those people who have no gazillion dollar financial interest in this thing....and I'm sure they don't care one way or the other....but we should just accept the Admiral's admonitions on these things.

Fuck You Professor.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So, all of us should look to your personal climatology experiences, right? As opposed to all the research and the studies and the radars and the satellite shots and all the other ..... you know...stuff...all that science and long term-study stuff. You know...the stuff propounded by the people that go to school to study this stuff...rather than the people who get paid by the fossil fuel companies.... that convinces everybody except the fossil fuel proponents who make billions of dollars off the stuff that causes climate know...those people who have no gazillion dollar financial interest in this thing....and I'm sure they don't care one way or the other....but we should just accept the Admiral's admonitions on these things.

Fuck You Professor. Originally Posted by timpage
That last line is the capitulation of the Timmie. I win!

I'm glad you noted that these were my personal experiences. I wondered how long it would take. So now I can point out that around the world global temperatures are not increasing. "Our" experiences are usually those pointed out by global warming advocates in our own country. They never point out the cold weather in Russia, the chill in Australia, or the ice in the Antarctic. The story about the ice breaker and the "tourists" as the media is calling them brings that home to roost. As well as this weekend of record cold. This "global warming" is not being looked at globally. If it was then the panic would stop pretty quick.

Also you advocates have a lot to lose if we stop investigating. You love to mention that some surveys have been funded by oil companies but you forget that most research has been carried out by researchers fighting for government dollars. The people who have the most to lose are those advocates for global warming. Not in real dollars but in careers.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Where's Yssup with the "Another Global Warming thread?"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is this ANOTHER (fill in JDIdiot's, the second leading broken record on this forum's, topic) thread?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-04-2014, 11:11 PM
its another Beerfart opinion piece for sure, detected by none other than the armadillo soothsayer himself

[QUOTE=CJ7;1054793387]its another Beerfart opinion piece for sure, detected by none other than the armadillo soothsayer himself


Spoken like a true, Socialist Fascist Okool-aid drinking "Independent" Progressive goose stepping union GLAAD supporting anti-American SHEEPERSON...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
its another Beerfart opinion piece for sure, detected by none other than the armadillo soothsayer himself


Spoken like a true, Socialist Fascist Okool-aid drinking "Independent" Progressive goose stepping union GLAAD supporting anti-American SHEEPERSON... Originally Posted by CJ7
when you go to Kroger -- unattended -- and you order cold cuts, do they look at you blankly? as in "what the fuck is this guy gonna do with four pounds of Swiss on slicer setting 4?

You are certifiably eligible for state support, even in TexaS! pack it up and move into the compound, cuckoo's nest!
FU_CC's Avatar
  • FU_CC
  • 01-04-2014, 11:47 PM
when you go to Kroger -- unattended -- and you order cold cuts, do they look at you blankly? as in "what the fuck is this guy gonna do with four pounds of Swiss on slicer setting 4?

You are certifiably eligible for state support, even in TexaS! pack it up and move into the compound, cuckoo's nest! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

ahahaha ... ololo...