NY Times " Obama Not Up To The Task"

This Sunday's Review section, the liberal NYTs finally nailed it with what is wrong with Obama...and each day more and more Americans (notably Indepedents) are figuring it out ! The 2nd sentence is the key........
"A second possibility is that he is simply not up to the task by virtue of his lack of experience and a character defect that might not have been so debilitating at some other time in history. Those of us who were bewitched by his eloquence on the campaign trail chose to ignore some disquieting aspects of his biography: that he had accomplished very little before he ran for president, having never run a business or a state; that he had a singularly unremarkable career as a law professor, publishing nothing in 12 years at the University of Chicago other than an autobiography; and that, before joining the United States Senate, he had voted “present” (instead of “yea” or “nay”) 130 times, sometimes dodging difficult issues."

The other great myth is the fallacy of President Obama's great intelligence. All you have to do is see him "off teleprompter", and his inabilities to not only express hiself show through the facade, but also his lack of ability to think on his feet.

The real joke is George W. Bush was crucified by the Press for his inability to speak in that intellectual cadence that comes accross so well on TV, while President Obama takes first place in the "huh", "duh" "whaa" and "you know" contest.

That is, when he is off teleprompter. I suppose it is a testament to the American Voting Public's gullibility when we elect a man solely on his ability to read a script off of a pre-programmed machine.
And although every Presidential candidate in recent times has released their academic transcripts, Obama has put a block on his being released !


A number of reasons are possible. Including poor academic perfromance and scholarships that list his nationality as foreign.

The other great myth is the fallacy of President Obama's great intelligence. All you have to do is see him "off teleprompter", and his inabilities to not only express hiself show through the facade, but also his lack of ability to think on his feet.

The real joke is George W. Bush was crucified by the Press for his inability to speak in that intellectual cadence that comes accross so well on TV, while President Obama takes first place in the "huh", "duh" "whaa" and "you know" contest.

That is, when he is off teleprompter. I suppose it is a testament to the American Voting Public's gullibility when we elect a man solely on his ability to read a script off of a pre-programmed machine. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I don't get caught up in all of the conspiracies, what his transcripts will show is that "Barry" was just as mediocre as Barack.
So many people make statements that Obama is eloquent and charismatic. I've never seen that in him. How can a president have charisma while reciting speeches and other presentation off a teleprompter. He looks like a school boy reading a book report.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
And although every Presidential candidate in recent times has released their academic transcripts, Obama has put a block on his being released !


A number of reasons are possible. Including poor academic perfromance and scholarships that list his nationality as foreign. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Here you again-- get a freaking life Whirl. Can you post all of the Presidents since Reagans academic records since you claim they all have posted it.
How brilliant was Sarah Palin didn't she attend like 3 or 4 different schools?
In terms of academic records where does it say that a candidate MUST release those records? Academic records are private information they do not have to be released so that ends that debate.

And this you can google Whirl: . Lawrence Tribe said Obama was his most brilliant research assistant ever. Just being asked to be Tribe's research assistant is a tremendous academic honor.

Dubya would not release his military records and conveniently said they were lost.

We do know he was President of the Harvard Law Review- you don't become President of the Harvard Law review by being a mediocre student.
Why did Hilary Clinton keep her thesis private?
In terms of medical records Bush the younger released evaluations but not official records.
Also, he graduated with a J.D magna cum laude at Harvard.
Why don't you release your academic records whirl? What degrees do you have?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-08-2011, 10:08 AM
This Sunday's Review section, the liberal NYTs finally nailed it with what is wrong with Obama...and each day more and more Americans (notably Indepedents) are figuring it out ! The 2nd sentence is the key........
"A second possibility is that he is simply not up to the task by virtue of his lack of experience and a character defect that might not have been so debilitating at some other time in history. Those of us who were bewitched by his eloquence on the campaign trail chose to ignore some disquieting aspects of his biography: that he had accomplished very little before he ran for president, having never run a business or a state; that he had a singularly unremarkable career as a law professor, publishing nothing in 12 years at the University of Chicago other than an autobiography; and that, before joining the United States Senate, he had voted “present” (instead of “yea” or “nay”) 130 times, sometimes dodging difficult issues."

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It is telling what you chose to leave out of you article. The article jest is that Obama is not a good story teller. That he is not articulating just what happend before he took office. This my friend is the jest of the article. This is wtf the author thought he should have said. This is what Americans needed to know......from the article:

In that context, Americans needed their president to tell them a story that made sense of what they had just been through, what caused it, and how it was going to end. They needed to hear that he understood what they were feeling, that he would track down those responsible for their pain and suffering, and that he would restore order and safety. What they were waiting for, in broad strokes, was a story something like this:
“I know you’re scared and angry. Many of you have lost your jobs, your homes, your hope. This was a disaster, but it was not a natural disaster. It was made by Wall Street gamblers who speculated with your lives and futures. It was made by conservative extremists who told us that if we just eliminated regulations and rewarded greed and recklessness, it would all work out. But it didn’t work out. And it didn’t work out 80 years ago, when the same people sold our grandparents the same bill of goods, with the same results. But we learned something from our grandparents about how to fix it, and we will draw on their wisdom. We will restore business confidence the old-fashioned way: by putting money back in the pockets of working Americans by putting them back to work, and by restoring integrity to our financial markets and demanding it of those who want to run them. I can’t promise that we won’t make mistakes along the way. But I can promise you that they will be honest mistakes, and that your government has your back again.” A story isn’t a policy. But that simple narrative — and the policies that would naturally have flowed from it — would have inoculated against much of what was to come in the intervening two and a half years of failed government, idled factories and idled hands. That story would have made clear that the president understood that the American people had given Democrats the presidency and majorities in both houses of Congress to fix the mess the Republicans and Wall Street had made of the country, and that this would not be a power-sharing arrangement. It would have made clear that the problem wasn’t tax-and-spend liberalism or the deficit — a deficit that didn’t exist until George W. Bush gave nearly $2 trillion in tax breaks largely to the wealthiest Americans and squandered $1 trillion in two wars.
Here you again-- get a freaking life Whirl. Can you post all of the Presidents since Reagans academic records since you claim they all have posted it.
How brilliant was Sarah Palin didn't she attend like 3 or 4 different schools?
In terms of academic records where does it say that a candidate MUST release those records? Academic records are private information they do not have to be released so that ends that debate.

And this you can google Whirl: . Lawrence Tribe said Obama was his most brilliant research assistant ever. Just being asked to be Tribe's research assistant is a tremendous academic honor.

Dubya would not release his military records and conveniently said they were lost.

We do know he was President of the Harvard Law Review- you don't become President of the Harvard Law review by being a mediocre student.
Why did Hilary Clinton keep her thesis private?
In terms of medical records Bush the younger released evaluations but not official records.
Also, he graduated with a J.D magna cum laude at Harvard.
Why don't you release your academic records whirl? What degrees do you have? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
At this point and time it really doesn't matter whether or not Obama releases his academic records. Whats important now is this administration producing real results that can get the economy back up to snuff again. I haven't seen anything remotely close yet from president OBrilliant.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
At this point and time it really doesn't matter whether or not Obama releases his academic records. Whats important now is this administration producing real results that can get the economy back up to snuff again. I haven't seen anything remotely close yet from president OBrilliant. Originally Posted by acp5762
acp I can respect your comments- the administration needs to go in overhaul NOW- all these stupid meaningless post by WHIRL are just plain stupid- if he made all C's what are we going do now impeach him?

I like how Whirl left out the important points in the article that WTF pointed out- WHIRL is the most deceptive poster on here bar none!
Wellendowed, take a chill pill. My life is quite A+. I spent most of last week on Cape Cod, enjoying the cooler weather and some great seafood - loved the clam rolls........how was your week ?

[quote=wellendowed1911;1546903]Here you again-- get a freaking life Whirl. Can you post all of the Presidents since Reagans academic records since you claim they all have posted it. You know how to use Wiki Wellendowed, do your own research. It is there.

How brilliant was Sarah Palin didn't she attend like 3 or 4 different schools? What does this have to do with anything? Are you making the case that because you think Palin is an ididot, Obama doesn't have to release his records????????? You are a dumb shit if so.

In terms of academic records where does it say that a candidate MUST release those records? Academic records are private information they do not have to be released so that ends that debate. I agree it doesn't say anywhere that a candidate has to release such info....you make a nonsense statement by claiming it doesn't ! But if Obama's records were so excellent; I am sure he would be proactive in releasing them !

And this you can google Whirl: . Lawrence Tribe said Obama was his most brilliant research assistant ever. Just being asked to be Tribe's research assistant is a tremendous academic honor. Note, Tribe didn't say Obama was a brilliant student ! I don't doubt Obama is good at brown nosing, gaming the system, and otherwise making others think he is somehow a genius...that is the whole point of the NY Times article dummy !

Dubya would not release his military records and conveniently said they were lost. Lie. Here is all you need to know.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush_military_servic e_controversy

We do know he was President of the Harvard Law Review- you don't become President of the Harvard Law review by being a mediocre student. We know he was elected President of the review, other than that we don't know anything about why others voted him into that positon....but somehow your weak mind thinks that is proof of his intelliegence and academic excellence....this kind of thinking on your part calls into question your own critical thinking skills!

Why did Hilary Clinton keep her thesis private?
In terms of medical records Bush the younger released evaluations but not official records.
Also, he graduated with a J.D magna cum laude at Harvard.

Why don't you release your academic records whirl? What degrees do you have? What the fuck does this have to do with anything? You show a juvenile approach to things by even making this statement. It is the juvenile equivalent of "I know you are but what am I "


Your claims of Obama being an academic superstar makes a good case on why his records probably contain something more...like a claim to be a foreign student so he could get financial aid !!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-08-2011, 11:36 AM

Your claims of Obama being an academic superstar makes a good case on why his records probably contain something more...like a claim to be a foreign student so he could get financial aid !!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Whirlaway, you were the one to bring it up.

It is a stupid issue to bring up in times like these.

If you want to discuss the article you brought up , fine by me.

You basically lied about its content.

You seem to do that quite often.

You cherry pick a quote and then present it out of context.

When called out, you reshuffle the deck and try and start another conversation about something entirely different without ever having addressed your lie and deception.

You do understand nobody comes into office up to the task of President. It is not a job one can prepare for. While I agree Obama has been a huge disappointment, it is entirely different from why you think he has been disappointing. I was hoping he would come into office and not worry about getting re-elected and actually take on the establishment. That might be to much to ask of any one man. I thought Bush might until 9/11 came along and he lost focus.

Big money runs things. That is just the way it is. Until you guys on the right figure that out, you can dump all the Tea in China and still not make a dent in politics as usual.
The view is good from the cheap seats, I guess. What's amusing is that the Obama-bashers are clueless about what to do in regard to the economy...oh, wait: cut taxes for the wealthy and the corporations, right? That's certainly been working well so far. Oh, yes and let's not forget to turn raising the debt ceiling so we can pay our obligations into a FUCKING political football that makes us look like Guatemala in the eyes of the world, and results in a credit downgrade. Good plan!

Regarding college grades, Rick Perry's were released the other day. See it here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/61684192/R...A-M-Transcript

I don't think he went to Harvard either....maroon.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
[quote=Whirlaway;1547115]Wellendowed, take a chill pill. My life is quite A+. I spent most of last week on Cape Cod, enjoying the cooler weather and some great seafood - loved the clam rolls........how was your week ?
Got some nookie this week and the Good Lord woke me up so my was great!

Here you again-- get a freaking life Whirl. Can you post all of the Presidents since Reagans academic records since you claim they all have posted it. You know how to use Wiki Wellendowed, do your own research. It is there.
Wiki LOL do you know that I can post Whirlway is an idiotic hate monger on Wiki they will post it???? In graduate level courses hell in some undergraduate college courses they don't even accept post/sources from Wiki and besides you make the claim so the burden of proof is on you to back it up.

How brilliant was Sarah Palin didn't she attend like 3 or 4 different schools? What does this have to do with anything? Are you making the case that because you think Palin is an ididot, Obama doesn't have to release his records????????? You are a dumb shit if so.
I don't think Palin is an idiot- she is an idiot!!! Hey she's one of your people and one of the leading candidates to challenge Obama.

In terms of academic records where does it say that a candidate MUST release those records? Academic records are private information they do not have to be released so that ends that debate. I agree it doesn't say anywhere that a candidate has to release such info....you make a nonsense statement by claiming it doesn't ! But if Obama's records were so excellent; I am sure he would be proactive in releasing them !
Again why does he have to? Whirlway it's as stupid as me asking you let me have the phone number to all the ladies you have slept with because I want to see if you are the stud you claim to be?
Or better yet Whirl fax me a copy of your credit report because I want to see if you pay your creditors? If you don't send it to me I will assume you have bad credit and don't pay your bills- you see the analogy?

And this you can google Whirl: . Lawrence Tribe said Obama was his most brilliant research assistant ever. Just being asked to be Tribe's research assistant is a tremendous academic honor. Note, Tribe didn't say Obama was a brilliant student ! I don't doubt Obama is good at brown nosing, gaming the system, and otherwise making others think he is somehow a genius...that is the whole point of the NY Times article dummy !
Whirl I will promise you my educational background is far superior than yours- again how many degrees do you have? I will be glad to send you emails of my degrees straight from the Universities.

Dubya would not release his military records and conveniently said they were lost. Lie. Here is all you need to know.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush_military_servic e_controversy

Again you get sources from Wiki- A site that anyone can post on- come back to me when you quote credible sources. Ask any college professor do they accept quotes are sources from Wiki. If a student does a research paper and all the sources are from Wiki that's an "F" waiting to happen-

We do know he was President of the Harvard Law Review- you don't become President of the Harvard Law review by being a mediocre student. We know he was elected President of the review, other than that we don't know anything about why others voted him into that positon....but somehow your weak mind thinks that is proof of his intelliegence and academic excellence....this kind of thinking on your part calls into question your own critical thinking skills!

Maybe Obama put a gun to their head Whirl!

Why did Hilary Clinton keep her thesis private?
In terms of medical records Bush the younger released evaluations but not official records.
Also, he graduated with a J.D magna cum laude at Harvard.

Why don't you release your academic records whirl? What degrees do you have? What the fuck does this have to do with anything? You show a juvenile approach to things by even making this statement. It is the juvenile equivalent of "I know you are but what am I "
Because you talk the talk but can't walk the walk- it's easy to poke fun at people- did you even go to college? If you did I promise you don't have the brains to get in to an Ivy league school. You remind me of little runts who say: "we got to stop these terrorist people from destroying America because America is so great..." yet the same person making that statement would be the last person to enlist.

Your claims of Obama being an academic superstar makes a good case on why his records probably contain something more...like a claim to be a foreign student so he could get financial aid !!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Quote your source instead of copying crap you read in the blogs
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  • Doove
  • 08-08-2011, 02:01 PM
..."off teleprompter"...off teleprompter....pre-programmed machine. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Let me guess, you're one of the people who went around screaming "flip/flop" as a reason for why people should vote for George Bush.

Am i close?
It's gotta be sad and depressing to watch all your hopes for change sink away each day as it becomes more apparent that Obama simply isn't up to the task of leading America. Especially as it becomes increasingly clear that independents are fleeing the Obama soul train ride. So I get why you are so compelled to defend him at all costs; including all loss of critical thinking, denial of basic facts, and blaming everyone else while taking no responsibilities - your following Obama's lead.

As the NYTs writer pointed out, Obama is simply not up to the task of being President.