Gaddafi’s rule crumbling

Fast Gunn's Avatar
I was surprised that this madman's hold on power has lasted this long, but Gaddafi’s regimen appears to finally be crumbling.

. . . I doubt if anyone is going to miss the sonofabitch when he is gone for good!
Syria will be next. Gaddafi is an amateur compared to the Assad Regime.

Of course, it might be a tad more difficult. Iran probably will not take the bombing of Damascus as lightly as they did Tripoli.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
There is so much garbage that needs to be cleaned out in the middle east.

Why don't these ego-maniacal dictators realize when the people do not want them anymore?

You have to admire the freedom fighters who have shed so much blood just to get to this point.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Could it be these country's want a democracy just like Iraq?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-21-2011, 10:14 PM
Could it be these country's want a democracy just like Iraq? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Originally Posted by WTF
typical donkey repsonse
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Don't call the fall of Gaddafi so soon just because you read the story on Yahoo News. This could very well be American media propoganda. As we all know corporations control the media just look at how their treating Congressman Ron Paul. Thats a prime example.

If you were actually in the city of Tripoli then I might believe you!
CPT Savajo's Avatar
The rebels in that country want freedom, NATO wants their oil to include the U.S. How can we call that democracy?
Don't call the fall of Gaddafi so soon just because you read the story on Yahoo News. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
Yahoo News? The original story linked in this thread was from the Washington Post. l_national

But if that source does not suit your fancy, perhaps FAUX News will!

Move over OBL, we might need to make room for Gaddafi! If so, that will make two Middle Eastern tyrants (along with OBL) disposed of under the current administrations watch!

Perhaps Assad will be next! We can only "hope!"
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-22-2011, 04:17 AM
typical donkey repsonse Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
No the donkeys are about as idiotic as the elephants on this demoracy crap in the ME.

Each side over there wants power and all we care about is supporting the side that can bring us the most business/oil.

I will say for all you people bitching anout the cost of this involvement, it does not compare to Afgan or Iraq.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Yahoo News? The original story linked in this thread was from the Washington Post. l_national

But if that source does not suit your fancy, perhaps FAUX News will!

Move over OBL, we might need to make room for Gaddafi! If so, that will make two Middle Eastern tyrants (along with OBL) disposed of under the current administrations watch!

Perhaps Assad will be next! We can only "hope!" Originally Posted by bigtex

Well I still wouldn't believe everything you read. Just like the Arab Spring riots were for democracy right? Give me a freakin break! I don't believe what the Washington Post says and I damn sure don't believe Fox News! Corporate controlled media will do anything to get you to believe anything "they" want you to. Fox News should rename themselves as Faux Pas (pronounced foe paw) which means a social error!

You definitely have the warmongering spirit as well. Maybe you should spearhead the charge into Syria to show us how it's done and leave the safety of your home, be on the first wave of troops to enter the courntry if it happens.

To back up on why you can't believe a thing corporate controlled media says I've installed a video clip, enjoy!
CPT Savajo's Avatar
This morning I have discovered that Gadaffi's regime is Tripoli has been taken over by rebels, but the fighting over there is not done yet. I'm not picking a side. The people who live over there can fight it out to see who comes out on top.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You don't need to believe the news to realize that the fall of Gaddafi is inevitable.

A blind man can see that.

I think the only surprise is how he has lasted this long when the country clearly wants him gone.

He is a despot who is hated by the people that he has tyrannized so much that they have finally broken the chains of fear and began a revolution to oust him.

His only supporters are the goons who had something to gain from the corrupt government, but they are now on the ropes.

CPT Savajo's Avatar
As if our government isn't! You can see from 3 years under Obama that things don't change, only the faces of those in charge. What about America, can't blind men and women see what is going on here in our very own country! How about we concern ourselves with what is going on in our counrty, not someone elses.

Thats why America needs Ron Paul.
Budman's Avatar
I will say for all you people bitching anout the cost of this involvement, it does not compare to Afgan or Iraq. Originally Posted by WTF
This is one of the reasons why we are in such a mess. Because you believe that money was wasted on the Iraq and Afgan wars then it's OK for your side to waste money in Lybia. Both sides do this and it is fucking stupid.