Global Warming?????

Forget about the past 3 months of record high temps during the blistering hot summer of 2011. That's yesterdays news! The low for tonight in Austin, Tx is forecast to be 62. Low tomorrow night is 63! That is damn near the middle of winter temps and its only the first week of September.

I am now convinced, global warming was a hoax all along! Psssshaw!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Anthropromorphic Climate change is a better phrase. Yes, the average temps are going to get higher, but that's not the only effect. The weather in general is going to get more extreme. And the changes are measured across decades, not on one summer or one cool snap.
I was auditioning to replace Whirly!

How did I do?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Anybody effected by the fires down there?
Anybody effected by the fires down there? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Not yet but they are extremely close! It is pretty nasty out there!
Have property up in East Tx, pretty big blaze up there.

As for the Global Warming thing, of course it is real. It is part of the natural cycle that the Earth goes through as years pass.

Back in the '70's. the big fear was global cooling. The Global warming thing caught on when such shysters as Al Gore found out they could make big bucks from it.

Then, the population started seeing through this, and a few years ago, it simply became "climate change". That covers everything, and of course, it must be the fault of humans, so humans must be taxed.

Oh, by the way, you can't tax mother nature. So there is no way she is at fault.
Iaintliein's Avatar
The climate may be getting warmer, or cooler. We simply do not have statistically significant data to see trends in a 4.5B year old system with more variables than we even know about yet.

The only human activity that could undoubtedly change the climate would be a global thermonuclear war. CO2 is not a pollutant. Recent data from NASA suggests the "greenhouse gas" phenomenon is not nearly as effective at trapping heat as the warmests insist. Even the fearmongers agree that CO2 is completely swamped by water vapor, and recent data from CERN indicates cosmic radiation flux is a major contributor to cloud cover.

If you want to play the odds, then we're more likely moving towards another ice age, not getting warmer. But in the end, it's just a guess.

Does anyone else find if peculiar that the "solution" to AGW is to cripple western industry, transfer massive amounts of money to the third world and consolidate political power at the UN. . . exactly the same "solution" to man made global "cooling" during the '70's and '80's?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Anthropromorphic Climate change is a better phrase. Yes, the average temps are going to get higher, but that's not the only effect. The weather in general is going to get more extreme. And the changes are measured across decades, not on one summer or one cool snap. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Total BS