It's Time To Take An Active Role In Developing Your Brand! What does your advertising say about you? Ever Wonder Why The Wrong Type Clients Keep Calling?

Below is a page from my new website about "Branding"
I hope you find this info enlightening!


Definition: The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product/service from other products/services

In our case....Branding essentially means to shape one's image and attract the potential clients/customers and or demographic for the products and services one offers. In this case, the hobbyist of course. But we all know not every provider and hobbyist are the right fit. ( no pun
And NO...Not every nuance of you as a provider can be conveyed in your marketing efforts, I contend that many things should not, but much of who you are as a provider/business person (because yes this is a business) can be and should be.

In my years of helping ladies market themselves and build their businesses I have learned that just like in other mainstream business endeavors, sometimes we have to look to others and their expertise to grow our businesses and ourselves.
That is what my business was founded on. The Idea.... that there are many great providers who are in fact great at being a provider but need help in conveying their message and shaping/building the image they want as a provider. How many of you think often... Why does that type guy or this type person contact me... Or we see a client and feel a great connection along with joy that that amazing client found you...
If you want to know why look to your advertising, branding and the service you deliver! There in lies the answers!

I believe there is a place for every level of provider. We need not all be "high end" or expensive per se' but no matter what level you are comfortable at, it certainly isn't always easy to find the potential clients at that level. I work with ladies at varying levels and believe the key to happiness in this business is attracting OUR RIGHT CLIENT!

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Magnific Media is offering a fabulous marketing
pack to kick off your new efforts to shape,
re-shape or build your brand!

Call today and let MM show you how to

create a brand that will attract the clients

that are right for you! 713 793 6400

Magnific Media's Sister Company


$300 per week​​
  • Create a professional image and persona. By doing this you gain respect in the industry which will help you fill your calendar and allowing you to charge more for your services.
  • Research and recommend where to advertise based on your local, target market and personal style, as well as placing those ads. The ads will be eye catching graphics that will make you stand out on the boards. We also supply seductively written bios for sites like Eros, Slixa, ECCIE, P411 and more. Ad are placed monthly, weekly and bi weekly as dictated by the marketing plan we develop for you.
  • We will process all your email as you to insure that your potential client feels he is getting personal treatment and ease any discomfort associated with dealing with a 3rd party.
  • Using a variety of methods will will completely screen and reference check your potential new clients all the while being discreet and sensitive to there desire to not be vulnerable but completely safe and unexposed.
  • With you participation we will manage you calendar and schedule. You tell us the days and hours you are available and we'll make your schedule hum.
  • We Can help you establish a safety protocol so you always feel safe.

​$400 per week

Level upgrade
  • Follow Up and Confirm Clients Before Appointments
  • Send Thank You After Appointments
  • Assist with in-call locations or hotel arrangements when touring
  • Create and manage a mailing list for your home city
  • Arrange and prepare all photo sessions

​$500 Per week

​Level Upgrade

  • Handle all travel arrangements and your itinerary when touring.
  • Create and manage a mailing list for all your touring cities.
  • Arrange all Personal care appointments ( ei: Dr, Hair. Nails, Tanning, Facials, ECT...)
  • Run Business and Personal Errands
  • Personal Shopping

Level One

Level Two

Level Three

Ok.... here is the "Not So Fine Print"....
The fees are paid in advance along with a one week deposit when establishing service.
These fees do not include any cost for advertising on specific sites/boards, travel cost, in-call cost or shopping expenses.

You must participate in the process fully so your clients have a seem-less experience. This means reading the emails yourself for any scheduled clients prior to the appointment.​ You are responsible for looking at your weekly ads to familiarize yourself with them as well.
At level three personal shopping for family and friends are included.
At level three personal errands are included if grocery shopping is needed online grocery shopping and delivery must be available in your area.

We allow you do what you do best...We Do what we do best...

Thus giving you more time for your personal life and or family

Ok.... here is the "Not So Fine Print"....

The fees are paid in advance along with a one week deposit when establishing service.
These fees do not include any cost for advertising on specific sites/boards, travel cost, in-call cost or shopping expenses.

You must participate in the process fully so your clients have a seem-less experience. This means reading the emails yourself for any scheduled clients prior to the appointment.​ You are responsible for looking at your weekly ads to familiarize yourself with them as well.
At level three personal shopping for family and friends are included.
At level three personal errands are included if grocery shopping is needed online grocery shopping and delivery must be available in your area.

Latest project... Isabella Brasil.
..even brought her here to the board to join eccie and also p411 for your hobbying pleasure!


First Ad Graphic

Why is Isabella going to close the Galleria?
Most successful escorts would be busy finishing up or maybe smack dab in the middle of entertaining some nice gentleman on a Thurs evening at 10 or 11pm...
I know my client in the ad was...

but Thank Goodness we have Ansley who has time to be the Typo Police.

Here I fixed it ... and Ansley you can sleep better now.

I showed my client & of course my client was understanding about the typo and not upset at all especially since the ad coupled with her beauty has garnered her about 10 new clients in two days. I guess her new and suspect her would be suitors didn't/don't mind the typo and figured it out.

But Thanks Ansley as always you are right on top of things.