Who Killed John F Kennedy?

atlcomedy's Avatar
I mean it happened in Texas

He was a Democrat

He liked the "Diamonds"

I know there are folk(s) on this forum that think everything is a conspiracy

Hell, some of you old codgers may even have a first hand, eyewitness account of the awful day

& I could use a good laugh
Rudyard K's Avatar
I mean it happened in Texas Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Are you sure? Did you see it first hand?

He was a Democrat Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Back then Texas was a democratic state.

He liked the "Diamonds" Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I've seen pictures of him in a Tuxedo. So, he must have liked them too.

Tuskegee Experiment, Project MK Ultra, Lousitania, Gulf of Tonkin .......

The government told me Oswald fired three shots in just a few seconds using a surplus rifle with 4moa accuracy and a scope that needed to be shimmed to be aligned (but wasn't shimmed at the time) to kill the then-President and I believe them.

The government never lies, without regard to the political party in power. The government is totally honest and all of its politicians and employees are genetically incapable of lying in any capacity.

Anyone who disbelieves the prior paragraph is a wacko conspiracy theorist who should be involuntarily admitted to a mental institution.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
I agree, a former friend's father who fought with Patton said it was impossible but in my past life I was good friends with Henry Wade's daughter and had dinner with Henry several times and he swore it was only Oswald

btw their son was named Wade, think about going thru life named after the famous Roe vs Wade
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Democrat 1963 is not democrat 2010.

Oswald was a patsy.
jokacz's Avatar
1963 Texas Racist = Democrat
2010 Texas Racist = Republican
It's the Southern Strategy, Stupid!
Rudyard K's Avatar
I guess in every event, there are anecdotal facts that, when added to others, can make a conspiracy. Keep in mind, that when the shooting occurred, much like the first days of 9-11, people didn’t know for sure if this was a coup of our government, or what. Lots of parents, including mine, did not send their children to school for a few days.

But I did know a man who got out and retraced the route, on foot, that Oswald had taken after he left the school book depository. That route had been put in the newspaper. That man noted that if you had left the school book depository…and were walking a direct route to Ruby’s apartment (which was also listed in the paper)…the route Oswald was on, was the route you would take. Oswald stayed on that line (that could have been towards Ruby’s apartment) until he ran into officer Tippet, whom he shot, and then diverted into the Texas Theatre….where he was captured.

Just one little vignette that makes one think that there was more to the story than we know.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
1963 Texas Racist = Democrat
2010 Texas Racist = Republican
It's the Southern Strategy, Stupid! Originally Posted by jokacz
So Texas 1963 = racist?
jokacz's Avatar
If you believe in logical falacies.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Can you expand on that?
jokacz's Avatar
Can you expand on that? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
On further reflection, sorry for my poor choice of symbols. Substitute - for = . Didn't mean to imply equivalence.
smokey1187's Avatar
If my memory serves me right, wasn't there a total of 5 shots 2 that missed and hit the street? Conspiracy nah I believe in my gov't
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I was in 5th Grade when President Kennedy was shot. My 8th Grade English teacher read every single book and article written on the subject INCLUDING getting a copy of the zillion page Warren Report.

He spend about 10-15 minutes every day discussing the shooting and all the theories.
We were REQUIRED to read sooo many of the books and articles each week, it was ridiculous for 8th grade (but I was in a NE school not in Texas at the time).

I had a clear believe by the end of the Year that there was a huge conspiracy and we, the little people would NEVER learn what really happened.

There were many Army SharpShooters using the same weapon TRY to replicate the shotting and it was impossible for any of them to get off the 3 shots in the amount of time of the actual shooting. It was pretty obvious that there was more than 1 shooter. Plus if you trace the path of the bullet that hit President Kennedy, my recollection was that the ONE bullet changed directions 3 times inside the President. Kinda hard to believe the bullet ricocheted that many times.....but who knows......our government would never tell us a fib, right?

Also, kinda odd that Oswald was shot within a few minutes by Ruby who was then immediately shot.

An awful lot of thing happened that was just never explained.

I am sure there is a report tucked away in Roswell with other things like "the missing 7 minutes"
Rudyard K's Avatar
Also, kinda odd that Oswald was shot within a few minutes by Ruby who was then immediately shot. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Uh, I don't think Ruby was shot. He died of lung cancer in 1967.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Uh, I don't think Ruby was shot. He died of lung cancer in 1967. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
You are right; he was actually tried and convicted of killing Oswald, but was successful in having his conviction overturned on appeal. He died before his case was set for re-trial.

And I understand there were 4 shots not just 3.

The Carcano rifle was a bolt action - and that's why it was impossible to get the 4 shots off in the same time frame that the actual shots were fired.

Ahhhh, its all coming back...