Dumber than a bag of rocks

berryberry's Avatar
I laughed hysterically after reading the Green New Deal Proposed today by this dimwit in congress. I knew she was dumb based on many of her previous comments by my god, a bag of rocks has more intelligence than she does

bambino's Avatar
How is she going to get cows to stop farting?
berryberry's Avatar
She didn't say which is typical. Here is the exact language in her proposal

“We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast, but we think we can ramp up renewable manufacturing and power production, retrofit every building in America, build the smart grid, overhaul transportation and agriculture, plant lots of trees and restore our ecosystem to get to net-zero.”

Oh yea, the proposal calls for tearing down and rebuilding OR retrofitting every single building / home in America. Every single one.

You can't make this up if you tried
bambino's Avatar
I think the Ice Age was caused by Dinosaur farts. No people, no fossil fuels.
Hematoma's Avatar
Aside from her politics, I think she's pretty cute. Even if her IQ is 90.
bambino's Avatar
Aside from her politics, I think she's pretty cute. Even if her IQ is 90. Originally Posted by Hematoma
If you’re poor I’m sure she’d fuck you for free!
Hematoma's Avatar
Big Stig's Avatar
I'd pay her 300 to leave.
Aside from her politics, I think she's pretty cute. Even if her IQ is 90. Originally Posted by Hematoma
She would make a good indys provider. Crazy, in a basement, mouth fuck her to keep her quiet provider. Followed by a great review highlighting her intelligence lol.

I thought she was getting far to much press before but now I think it good that the world is seeing what the dems are allowing in their party. Let he r face be right next to Pelosi's on the front page I say.

BTW, I think she already to that document down from her website due to social media ridicule.
BTW, I think she already to that document down from her website due to social media ridicule. Originally Posted by sjomonty

Specifically the part that said providing for folks unable or unwilling to work.

For anyone who thinks her policy ideas are a good idea, might I suggest a week in sunny Venezuela. That's where "democratic socialism" ends up.
  • El-mo
  • 02-08-2019, 09:00 AM
She scares the shit out of conservatives
She scares the shit out of conservatives Originally Posted by El-mo
No. She provides them a solid belly laugh.

She is the dumbfuckistan polar mirror of Trump: instead of demonizing mexicans and any social progress for anyone after 1955, she demonizes anyone with literally two nickels to rub together. They both then attack those demons on twitter with an appeal to populist morons in their respective wing.

She isn't particularly scary because she doesn't ooze of being able to actually get anything done--That's also pretty Trumpy--all his populist bullshit has been stopped or thwarted for the most part--but the parts that the co-opted folks want--notably federalist judges and a tax cut have happened. She will, at best, get a similar outcome.

What makes her disturbing is that the end result of her policies (socialism) invariably ends up looking like Venezuela does today. But even this won't happen: "medicare for all" polls great--until you tell people what it will cost and what it will mean for their access to healthcare. It then craters. This is exact same reaction you get when polling "should we tax rich people" (yes!) and then polling "should the government be redistributing wealth?" (nope).

It was funny when the Democrats had Bernie doing this--he's an old fool never having had a real job, but at least he could speak for 10 minutes without sounding like a dumb fucking barista who hit the lottery (merely an aging communist radical). We could not have asked for a better standard bearer for socialism in this country on a wish or dare. She sounds like an anti-intellectual entitled millennial who wants to get her hands on other people's money.
berryberry's Avatar
She would make a good indys provider. Crazy, in a basement, mouth fuck her to keep her quiet provider. Originally Posted by sjomonty
Indeed. You would just have to make sure your dick is in her mouth most of the time so you don't have to listen to her stupidity.
Big Stig's Avatar
She scares the shit out of conservatives Originally Posted by El-mo
Oh, I don't know. I think she's the best thing to ever happen to conservatives and their policies. She's boldly exposing the far lefts ridiculous policy ideas and the press is licking her ass all along the way. Several of the top 2020 democratic hopefuls are supporting her resolution. That's a sure fire path to failure. Even Pelosi thinks she's ridiculous.
She scares the shit out of conservatives Originally Posted by El-mo
HA HA! Seriously? She is fun to watch make an ass of herself. I dont know a single conservative (and I know a lot) that would give her the time of day let alone be scared of her.

Hell, Pelosi already bitch slapped her by taking her off of the climate change committee and that is right up her ally. She makes new political enemies every day......she wont survive.