Do the ladies (or the guys) drive with dates after a few drinks?

atlcomedy's Avatar
So the talk in GA this week is Damon Evans, the UGA AD that got pulled over for DUI with a younger, attractive woman in the front seat (that wasn't his wife). Some initial speculation is that she was a "pro" although that isn't the case. According to the police report her panties were found in his lap.

[For more info Google this or beg WTF for links ]

So the question for discussion, although I'm sure it will digress into the incident itself, is:

assume she was a pro (escort that is)....


would you or do you drive your dates around after a couple of pops? Even if you aren't drinking, do you want to be cited with a "mysterious" female companion?

does that, from a discretion standpoint even enter into your "risk management" calculations?


Do you ride with clients? How well would you have to know them to ride in their vehicle (drinking or not)?
atlcomedy's Avatar
1. I forgot to add my standard warning about the perils of drinking while intoxicated. I certainly don't support it & do my best to take preventive measures to avoid it.

2. In the spirit of disclosure I can only think of one time I've driven when I shouldn't have with a companion (although she was worse than me). Fortunately it happened without incident. On many occasions I've shared a yellow cab or car service with a provider.
1. I forgot to add my standard warning about the perils of drinking while intoxicated. I certainly don't support it & do my best to take preventive measures to avoid it. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I think you meant "driving while intoxicated."

That being said, I don't find autos to be that comfortable for play dates. I know that it takes us back to our teenage years, but I'm not there any more. So I want to be comfortable when I play. That means no cars.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I think you meant "driving while intoxicated."

That being said, I don't find autos to be that comfortable for play dates. I know that it takes us back to our teenage years, but I'm not there any more. So I want to be comfortable when I play. That means no cars. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

(at myself) lol...good catch Toots...

I wasn't referring to playdates as in getting it on in the backseat but an extended date that starts at a restaurant or club with her joining you at a BCD location and you sharing a ride to that location.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
ATL, sure I would have no problem with doing that. Just following the same rules for consumption limits while out for a drink alone, it wouldn't matter if there was a lady (attractive or not so much) accompanying me. Of course, I'm a single guy so the ramifications aren't a great for me as they may be for our brethren out there.
atlcomedy's Avatar
ATL, sure I would have no problem with doing that. Just following the same rules for consumption limits while out for a drink alone, it wouldn't matter if there was a lady (attractive or not so much) accompanying me. Of course, I'm a single guy so the ramifications aren't a great for me as they may be for our brethren out there. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Chica - I'm kind of in the same boat as a single guy....the worst that can happen to me is I'm labeled a playa...

I've never really considered it until this story, but even stone cold sober, pulled over for a traffic violation, at least in Georgia, cop cars have cameras. Imagine you had a wifey & she was suspicious and requested a police report and under the Freedom of Information Act requested the tape (in this case the tape is being held until after the trial but eventually it will come out), how do you explain your companion?

If you took separate cars or cabs or whatever there would be less of a connection. Just a doesn't take DUI to get pulled over.
pyramider's Avatar
Note to self: always put woman's panties in her purse prior to dealing with LE.
I've both taken separate vehicles and shared rides when going to/from the restaurant on dinner dates or when travelling. It was drilled into my head in high school that driving intoxicated or riding with someone drunk was a fast way to get killed, so ... I don't. I like living.

The "so who's the young lady?" situation is not something I'd ever considered. It's something to think about, definitely.

My preferred method of getting from restaurant to hotel or vice versa is walking. Usually while holding hands. It's romantic. Weather and geography and cuisine choice and footwear and concerns about attracting attention don't always allow that, though.
... if you've had too many to drive my car, you've had too many to "drive" me... this has only happened once, but we were cabbing it anyway.

I try to plan things within walking distance of their hotel, or within easy shuttle-bus/cab.

I would prefer to be the one driving, especially on our first date. I know how safe I drive, and if I drink, I drink very minimally (1 slowly sipped glass of wine) and only with food over a longer meal (always coffee at the end). I also know that my car insurance is up-to-date and that my driving record is totally clean. I don't know how much someone's had to drink before we meet, and I can't control how much they choose to drink over dinner (nor how it might affect their ability to drive). I also don't know if my patron's licence is suspended, or his car insurance valid, or any of the more usual complications you'd have if you got pulled over for anything. I would rather assume full responsibility (ofcourse, he doesn't know the same about me, so whatever).

I've never felt uncomfortable with any patron driving.... sometimes it's just easier if the guy drives. I feel fairly secure with my screening and safety precautions, and, as I said, the only time that the guy drinking "too much" has been an issue, we were sharing a cab anyway.

Some of the people I hang out with in my mainstream personal and professional life are probably more "mismatched" than a good portion of my patrons, so I don't really think anything of it.

If I were pulled over for a traffic violation with any patron (mismatched or not)?
If he is an out of towner: we met in the airport/plane and I was showing him St. Louis (this also would work if we would accidentally run into any of his or my friends/coworkers) ...
If a local or from out of town: He's driving me back/I'm driving him back from a get-together/late meeting with coworkers/mutual friends.

Anyway, why would I need an explanation about who I'm with? We're driving back from dinner, now what were we pulled over for? I have an important business meeting at 8am tomorrow...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Chica - I'm kind of in the same boat as a single guy....the worst that can happen to me is I'm labeled a playa...

I've never really considered it until this story, but even stone cold sober, pulled over for a traffic violation, at least in Georgia, cop cars have cameras. Imagine you had a wifey & she was suspicious and requested a police report and under the Freedom of Information Act requested the tape (in this case the tape is being held until after the trial but eventually it will come out), how do you explain your companion?

If you took separate cars or cabs or whatever there would be less of a connection. Just a doesn't take DUI to get pulled over. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
ATL...we all know you ARE a playa!! (kidding, friend)
Guess since I moved out west last year I'm not keeping up with the local scene there like I should because I hadn't heard about this one.

On subject; I guess I haven't given it that much thought to driving after a few drinks. I rarely drink more than a beer or two at a time anyway. As long as I'm not sloppy falling down drunk and able to drive its not that much of a worry. I can remember many times after a great session with a favorite provider, heading over to Perimeter to Chequers or Maggianos for dinner and drinks. Or over to The Galleria to Ted's just a few weeks ago on a visit to town. Went to Hal's in Buckhead with her before that. (There's a good start to great restaurants in Atlanta!)

I guess the bottom line is that you have to be responsible whether with a provider or a civvie date. If you can't be responsible, just catch a cab. I pretty much make it a habit to avoid LE or put myself in a position where I might be forced to meet them!
Anyway, why would I need an explanation about who I'm with? Originally Posted by RachaelBenedict
Now if your panties are in his lap...
John Bull's Avatar
An evening with one of the ladies who frequent this forum would certainly begin with a limo picking her up to start the evening and dropping her off at the end of the evening. How else would you treat a lady of such esteem?
An evening with one of the ladies who frequent this forum would certainly begin with a limo picking her up to start the evening and dropping her off at the end of the evening. How else would you treat a lady of such esteem? Originally Posted by John Bull
Why, JB, some of the ladies here travel in private Gulfstream jets and by yachts. Limos shmimos. That's the way to travel.
John Bull's Avatar
There is little doubt in my mind that the suitors of some of the ladies who grace our forum are able to provide better service than my poor limo.
atlcomedy's Avatar
An evening with one of the ladies who frequent this forum would certainly begin with a limo picking her up to start the evening and dropping her off at the end of the evening. How else would you treat a lady of such esteem? Originally Posted by John Bull
What are you taking her to prom?

While most ladies appreciate car service, if they are local (e.g. not going back to a hotel), they'd prefer you not know where they actually live & make their own arrangements and a yellow cab (that they call) usually suffices.

Why, JB, some of the ladies here travel in private Gulfstream jets and by yachts. Limos shmimos. That's the way to travel. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
You'll have to explain to me how the yacht or jet lands/parks/etc. at the appointed meeting spot, usually a restaurant or hotel.

On the other hand, although it is a little too big ballin' for me at the present on a regular basis, I think moving around the City from helipad to helipad would be a fun way to go.