He's a cop!?

Whispers's Avatar
He's a cop!?

Years ago on ASPD a very high profile and well liked reviewer was a buddy of mine that happened to also enjoy the Strip Clubs....

He was sociable..... went to Community Parties, GC events, Pool Parties and Socials....

He had a respectable number of reviews, was known by many in person and there was no question about his credibility as a guy that engaged in P4P.

A few people in the community, myself included, knew he was also a cop.

But some jealous BF or pissed off girl he quit spending money on outed him and it got around fast and it scared the shit out of a lot of people. Mostly due to ignorance imo. Anyway..... He was ostricized.... had to reinvent himself and start all over and maintain a much lower profile.....

Guys... How would you react to knowing a member who's reviews you read and gleaned information from was "on the job" when he wasn't a monger?

Ladies..... I am sure that a couple of you out there have at one time or another serviced a man in blue....."blew the blue"?..... would you knowingly see someone that was a cop if he was fully screened and you had vouches you could trust? or would it be too much for you?
I've had this discussion with several providers over the years. I know I'm not the only provider who has discovered that a regular was "a man in blue". In all honesty, they have a lot more to lose than we do. I'm not sure that I would see someone new that was already outed, but I've never blinked when I found out afterwards. Not just the uniforms, I've seen chiefs, judges, and prosecuting attorneys.

They can be valuable friends and I've had more than one walk me through steps to stay safe and out of trouble. So far, their advice has never failed!

Now, on to him being outed... that is really a shame. Our job is to maintain discretion, whether it's specific likes or profession. I know I'm not the only lady that has seen a few public figures and even if they ran for President, my lips would remain sealed. A promise for discretion is a life long commitment. He was right to reinvent himself. Hopefully he still has ladies that will provide refs for him AND keep his secret to themselves.
Only if we could play good cop bad cop!
I guess I'm in the minority here but I'd pass on having a police officer as a client if he made it known to me that he was a police officer while still in the screening process...now if I found out a year or so into it and he was a regular then that'd be fine. Also, if he was retired I wouldn't mind and I would see someone like a park ranger(actually, that'd be cute) or someone on the peripherals of law enforcement.

My reasons:
1) The guy has SWORN to uphold the law, like taken an actual oath...I don't want to involve him in anything that he might regret and perhaps try to "rectify" later.

2) Any police officer that has this hobby should have the sense to keep his day job to himself...someone who shows that much lack of discretion in putting his life and livelihood on the line unnecessarily is just asking for trouble and I don't want to put myself at risk.

To sum up how I feel about it: Don't ask, Don't tell. I don't see newbies so just give me your screening info and leave the part about you being sworn to uphold the law out.

sixxbach's Avatar
I wouldn't judge the guy. Some of the most morally "challenged" people I know are cops! That is terrible about him being outed. The first thing I thought of when reading that is "snitches wind up in stitches". hehehe the street in me comes out every once in awhile!


here you go Reya
Yeah, I'd hit it.

here you go Reya Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
richcran's Avatar
Most of the cops I have ever been friends with have a thrill seeking side that likes to push limits.....they aren't afraid to bend the rules a bit and make quite loyal friends.....just don't push them to cross the line just for your personal gain.......
richcran's Avatar
and Reya......Park Rangers and/or Parks & Wildlife actually have more authority/power than traditional cops........possible power trip?
YabaDabaDoo! Or inner fixation on BooBoo?
budman33's Avatar
I know several cops, Cops need to get laid too. They sure as hell don't get paid much.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Professions with the worst credit are the three Ps Police, preachers, and prostitutes. TFF
I guess I'm in the minority here but I'd pass on having a police officer as a client if he made it known to me that he was a police officer while still in the screening process...now if I found out a year or so into it and he was a regular then that'd be fine. Also, if he was retired I wouldn't mind and I would see someone like a park ranger(actually, that'd be cute) or someone on the peripherals of law enforcement.

My reasons:
1) The guy has SWORN to uphold the law, like taken an actual oath...I don't want to involve him in anything that he might regret and perhaps try to "rectify" later.

2) Any police officer that has this hobby should have the sense to keep his day job to himself...someone who shows that much lack of discretion in putting his life and livelihood on the line unnecessarily is just asking for trouble and I don't want to put myself at risk.

To sum up how I feel about it: Don't ask, Don't tell. I don't see newbies so just give me your screening info and leave the part about you being sworn to uphold the law out.
Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
Would a federal agent be considered on the peripheral of law enforcement?
I'm detective John Kimble.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Haha motor!!? Love that movie
I'm detective John Kimble. Originally Posted by motorboating
And you love your car?