Safe areas in Austin?

Where is a safe area and safe hotels to stay at in the Austin area? I was told the 290/281. This be true? Arrrrr.....<pirate>
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Search is your friend this topic has been covered 1,000's of times in this forum...stay away from the 35/runburg area
Britttany_love's Avatar
The domain and arboretum are good areas... It's best to avoid Williamson county areas in town... Have a safe trip.
Hmm, I did I search and found: Go: Domain, Arboretum area, South Austin DON'T GO: Domain, Arboretum. I'm getting mixed signals.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Domain and Arboretum are always a good pick..Also down south could always use ladies.. Williamson county is never good most guys wont step foot there and the Runberg/35 area is very unsafe all around
My place is aways save.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
My place is aways save. Originally Posted by CedarParkFriend
Eraserman's Avatar
Hmm, I did I search and found: Go: Domain, Arboretum area, South Austin DON'T GO: Domain, Arboretum. I'm getting mixed signals. Originally Posted by Midnightkat
I've seen the same in various posts over the years.

To help here is my condensation of what I've read or heard:

Stay away from the cheaper hotels in 25/290 area, too many low rent girls/drugs/etc and there is supposedly more vigilance on the part of those hotels.

The domain/arboretum is fine, avoid Extended Stay in general and esp. in arboretum, they are very vigilant about finding out who the working girls are.

As stated, Rundburg/35 is a really bad area to stay.

Haven't heard anything bad about downtown except traffic and a lot of south and north guys won't want to go there.

Wilco is bad.
mirandalee's Avatar
When I do dance in Austin I stay in the 35/290 area and never had any issues or suspicious activity go on.. I dont think any area is really safe... cops will hit up different hotels and motels in all areas.. Im pretty sure they are smart and will hit up all areas not just certain ones.. they know girls will move around if theres too much heat in one place lol.. its all about being smart and not have too much traffic..and screen well..
Stay away from the Rundberg/35 area. The cops are the least of your worries there
txtorn8do's Avatar
Where is a safe area and safe hotels to stay at in the Austin area? I was told the 290/281. This be true? Arrrrr.....<pirate> Originally Posted by Midnightkat
This brings out the smart-ass in me. 290/281 would be pretty safe as it is Johnson City. However, I don't think you'll see too many Johnsons that far out.

OK, back to your regularly scheduled thread. TxT