Adult Video Megaplexx Questions

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-18-2011, 11:12 PM
A gentleman contacted me regarding how things worked at the Adult Video Megaplexx in South Austin. He's planning on renting a booth and spending an hour with a lady friend there and had some logistical questions. Since I haven't been there, I don't know how things work there, but I'm assuming at least some of you have some first-hand knowledge and can help him out.

The questions:

- Does he have to show ID to rent the booth?
- Can he and his lady just go into the booth together, or do they need to be a bit covert about that?
- Does the movie need to be running the whole time they are there? If so, any idea how much that would cost, and how many singles does he need? (They think they'll need less than an hour...)


Guest092815's Avatar
I haven't visited there in years, and to be honest, I did not use a 'private viewing' room. However, I do recall reading the sign on the wall.. they seemed to have a few rules regarding the "private rooms"

I am pretty sure you have to submit your id, along with your credit card. It seems like they required a large deposit (100) to be available on said credit card (??? why). I do not know if the lady would also have to submit an id.

But to answer the question, the rules for renting a "private viewing" room are posted on the wall, as you stand at the check-out counter by the exit door. Anyone can walk in and read the rules...

If anyone here has specific knowledge, pls disregard my post. I do not have all the info, just a hint of an idea.

Have fun, y'all.

ps..yes, I think they movie needs to be running. The front desk may or may not be aware of movie status, but why give an inkling?
Never been there, but the XXX place next to Pink monkey has very discreet booths and all you do is buy tokens and stay in there as long as you want.
mastermind238's Avatar
As I recall, you don't have to show an ID, but you do have to leave a $20 refundable deposit. If you don't leave the floor, chair, walls or TV sticky, you get your deposit back. Of course, you have to feed the video machine while you're in there, but it takes large denomination bills.
governmentguru's Avatar
I'd be bringing my own plastic sheeting...
  • Paven
  • 12-20-2011, 04:50 PM
I'd be bringing my own plastic sheeting... Originally Posted by governmentguru
Visqueen Queen
And perhaps a mop and bucket! I would imagine the floor of those little booths to be quite ghastly indeed!
Ah, the booths at the Megaplex. I remember having to resort to those with an ex that didn't like it even when I watched porn alone. Glad to be done with her...

Anyway, I don't remember ever needing to leave a deposit as big as $100. You do need to leave some deposit, though I don't remember them requiring an ID (though I could forget).

My memory is that the rooms were pretty clean. I don't ever remember any sticky floors or nasty surprises in there, though it's not like I took a black light to them. But all in all, I never felt skeeved out or like it was unhygienic. The clerk will check the room after you're done to make sure it's clean. So long as you clean up after yourself, you'll be fine. I don't imagine any need to be covert about it. After all, you and your lady friend are just going to enjoy a film; what else could possibly happen?
sixxbach's Avatar
I went to the Paris XXX place off of south 35 last year. It seemed pretty sleazy to me at the time. If you really wanna get your nut, tip the clerk a 20. I bet you get no problems. Those clerks make very little pay and I bet they would overlook anything that might violate "the rules" with the exception of liquor or drugs

trynagetlaid's Avatar
  • Paven
  • 12-21-2011, 08:12 AM
I just recalled that I saw a fellow this past summer down in San Antonio who runs one the XXX Megaplex places down there. I asked him about their video rooms. He said that they only allow one person in at a time and there are cameras inside the rooms. He said that folks got way too out of hand and were trying to fit 10 people in a room at a time for orgys and stuff like that. Now I'm not sure if this is a chain and owned by the same people but I would call ahead to verify before heading down and being told no.
Very informative but yes as the info comes please keep us updated
Tatonka's Avatar
Why doesn't the guy just call the place and ask them directly?
Whispers's Avatar
I'm going buy in a bit to do some Christmas shopping. I'll see what I can come up with.
  • Vyt
  • 12-21-2011, 02:38 PM
Last time I was there the kid working the counter recognized my name from my credit card (I work in a small industry and he was in it briefly).

Given that I was with a much younger woman buying sex toys it was kinda awkward!