AMP at Hull Ave. and E. 9th

This place was closed last week for providing unlicensed massage therapy. This morning a person in plain clothes but wearing a pistol on his waistband, was seen entering the premises before opening (approx. 9am) and the open sign was lit. This place usually always opened at 10. So could be police setting up a sting.
Holy sh**...that was close...glad I stopped going there.
heck it's lasted longer than any restaurant has across the street
les123's Avatar
That’s timely information. I have a question. My memory isn’t that great, who started all of this”human trafficking “ bs? I’m assuming that law enforcement has been given a monetary incentive for enforcing these new laws? I’m really pissed and tired of hearing about it. Besides habitual speeding this is the only law I have broken in my adult life. Is there any way the pendulum might swing back the other way at some point?
Would not be the first time for the man to run an operation near that intersection.

And it is that time of year.