Happy New Years and Happy Birthday to Mee.

Hello everyone what is everyone doing for New Years? Dont do anything too fun without me!
I am staying home and celebrat
e latter.Call me , if anyone needs me!
Would you like to share what you will be doing for the New Years?
tia travels's Avatar
Happy Birthday to you!!
Awe thank you , my first BD wish, and might I say you have a hot loooking album!
jhorni's Avatar
Happy birthday
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-30-2011, 11:14 PM

Here's to you!

Thank you guys!!
Happy Birthday Victoria!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
Happy Birthday &

i will be partying in new orleans....ask louigi how awesome Bourbon Street is...lol}
I need to go there some day
DallasRain's Avatar
Call me when you do Miss v---we can do it up right..lol
Wow tat is quite an offer, I am flattered, and you can bet I do call you.
Thank you that means so much to me.
a little late but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Esta son las mananitas que cantava el rey david... Para las muchachas bonitas te las cantamos a ti... Despirta mi bien dispierta mira que ya amanecio,,, ya los pajaritos cantan la luna ya se metio...
Ay que suave, gracias por la cancion de cumplianos!!
Holden Mcrotch's Avatar
Happy Birthday and Happy New Year.