New, non-argumentative topic: Have you ever been just about to "get some" only to be interupted?

atlcomedy's Avatar
So I'm watchin' an old episode of Law & Order (check local listings - I think there is one on some channel 24/7) and in the opening sequence a new couple go back to his apartment ready to bump uglies. They go out on his balcony and (of course) see a dead body on an adjacent balcony. Needless to say that kind of ruined the mood.

So the question is have you ever been just about to get some, only to have it broken up by something really odd, freaky, or scary?

This has to be a (relatively) new relationship or simply a one-nighter in the making. A spouse or SO doesn't is normal for something to get in the way of that...and likely that is just a delay...not a missed opportunity.
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  • Doove
  • 06-05-2011, 05:16 AM
So the question is have you ever been just about to get some, only to have it broken up by something really odd, freaky, or scary? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Does opening my big fat mouth qualify as freaky, odd, or scary?
atlcomedy's Avatar
Does opening my big fat mouth qualify as freaky, odd, or scary? Originally Posted by Doove
I would say so but for the sake of the thread let's leave the freaky, odd oe scary to 3rd parties
An old lady calls her veterinarian one Sunday morning.

"My little Fluffy is in heat. A big dog jumped the fence. What will I do?" She asks.

"Take the hose and blast him with water." replies the vet and hangs up.

A few minutes later the old lady calls her vet.

"The water didn't work. What can I do?" The old lady asks.

"Take a rake and hit him with it." the vet tells the old lady.

A few minutes later the old lady calls again.

"The rake didn't work. I didn't even hit his thingie with it." says the old lady.

The vet says "Tell the male dog he has a phone call."

"A phone call?" asks the old lady "How will telling him a he has a phone call work?"

"Its worked three times with me"
Eccie Addict's Avatar
What about being interrupted in the middle of it?
Not sure if this counts…there was no dead body or scary clowns…

Several years ago I ran into an old friend while traveling. We had a nice dinner, many drinks, and soon enough we were back at her place acting like teenagers (at least what I’ve been told teenagers act like…). Just as we are about to really get going, her cat leaped out of nowhere and landed on my naked back – claws extended… I screamed , the cat went flying, and in very short order – we were both laughing hysterically.

Unfortunately the moment was lost, we had “sobered” up, started talking about our friendship and if this was a good idea… Damn cat!

And to think, I still like cats…

Schrödinger's cat
Does opening my big fat mouth qualify as freaky, odd, or scary? Originally Posted by Doove
In your case, wouldn't that be routine?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-05-2011, 03:17 PM
In your case, wouldn't that be routine? Originally Posted by pjorourke

Very good. "So is your mama" Originally Posted by pjorourke
I was once completely naked on a lawyer during a tryst just after sun up; mind you, he was barely derobed. His friend (and mine) made it a habit to walk in on each other with an odd excuse every time they had a girl over. Friend walks in to ask for a book on theories of tort Law from a defense lawyer. Too much giggling to proceed for a while. A couple of geeks we were!
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Hmmmm, When I was young, parking, both of us half naked about to get some and a cop tapped his flashlight on the window.

Another time, another lady, her young son walked in.

Oh yeah, another lady. I was about to get lucky laying with her in bed -- then she woke up. lol
Incoming rockets. But we only waited a few minutes.
When it was apparent that they'd landed elsewhere and no more were coming in for the night, we continued.
Hell, after a few months no one cared. Just turn on the ipod and roll over because the sirens are really hard to sleep through.
:-/ Didn't mean to kill the thread.
Carry on with the stories!
Parking in my boyfriends classic '72 Chevelle, he hadn't set the emergency brake and the car started to roll down the small hill we were on. Bad thing is we were on the hood and not inside. It was amazing how fast he moved.