Cover Story

Hey Everyone,

I made the cover of the July/Aug issue of Penthouse on sale tomm July 28th. I'd love for you to buy a copy and read it. I mention ECCIE in it. Its a 4 page spread and I'm so excited about it!
Bravo Alex! Kudos for your brand.

Leah x
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Sa_artman's Avatar
You sharing royalties with the Eccie community for contributing?
runswithscissors's Avatar
Congrats! I will indeed pick up a copy and read it; of course; I only pick up these magazines for the articles, nothing more......
FishGuy13's Avatar
Congrats! I will indeed pick up a copy and read it; of course; I only pick up these magazines for the articles, nothing more...... Originally Posted by runswithscissors
Congrats!! I too will pick up a copy, in support of a friend of course!

LOL the articles are pretty good, but I also love the pictures!
Thanks everyone! Besides my pun intended, it's a great issue. Extremely erotic!