Question about location and safety

I am curious on both the hobbyist and provider opinions on this. I recently sent a request to someone I have wanted to see. I asked what "area" of town she was in. The reasoning for this is I have no reasons to be in certain areas of town. If I was to get into a car accident or even get a speeding ticket, I would have no reason to give my wife why I was in that area.

However, the person told me they couldn't give me that information because of their safety??? I wasn't asking for a street address, a hotel or anything specific. Telling me they are on the east side/south side or Clive or Urbandale is not the same thing as telling me their actual location. But, they would not give me the area at all, citing safety so obviously we will not be meeting.

Am I off base asking that question?
yogi692's Avatar
I often ask the same question, my truck has GPS, so i worry about the same thing. I also wonder why some providers won't do outfall unless I give them all the information up front. providers rarely give you hotel and room number on first call, why should we?
I don't think it is out of line to ask as long as you are not asking for a specific address or hotel. I ask the same question and will sometimes get an answer, other times not. I ask because I need to know how far they may be and if I can sneak away or not. If they are across town and it take 30-45 min one way, trying to get away for an hour can turn into 2.5 hours, making it much more difficult to find an excuse to be away that long and go into my decision on if to see them or not.
It's for there safety, of something was to happen to them on an out call they wouldn't have anything to let someone know where they were last seen or who they saw. Some guys tend to forget or safety is just add important as yours, were worried about getting in trouble or hurt or dead in someplaces.
We have family's, kids, and all to to lose of we get in trouble or hurt...
Every girl is different sites different things to me screening with verified girls is good enough, I ask for Addy when I go and room number if at hotel and I always write it down and leave it at home until u come back safe.
DallasRain's Avatar
Yes every girl has their "method"...I just usually give general area or some place in VERY close proximity to my hotel
I usually will tell my clients what area i am in just for timing/distance for appointment. (:
Andrea Davis's Avatar
I don't give out my location to people that are not scheduling an appointment. You were just trying to get pre screened for an appointment. So letting you know where Even my general location was, I felt that was not needed. If you were scheduling an appointment I would have been glad to give you my general location ahead of time, but that is not what you were doing.

Despite what most people are failing to forget, we just had stings that some gentlemen and ladies were never even booked into jail. They received tickets. So yes, my screening and precautions have taken up a notch. This is to keep both myself, and my clients safe.

So sorry for me not wanting to take a risk with my safety. Do you even understand how a provider feels especially is she is touring when you give someone your location and then they don't show up. The thought in the back of there head, was this person messing with me so they can find out where I am and something bad is going to happen to me. As providers we screen to make sure you are not LE. We can't screen to see if you are psychotic, if you will do harm to us. We all have the right to screen how we see fit. Some ladies are comfortable telling you their location ahead of time others are not. I personally don't give out my general location until I have an appointment booked.

Des Moines is not that big of a city. It's not like Minneapolis, Los Angeles, New York City, or a Even Kansas City where the vast difference in suburbs could mean an hour or more drive. For the most part unless it's five o clock traffic you can get around Des Moines in less than 20mins.

I hope everyone had a blessed holiday.

Andrea Davis
  • gmd33
  • 11-28-2015, 10:25 AM
I am curious on both the hobbyist and provider opinions on this. I recently sent a request to someone I have wanted to see. I asked what "area" of town she was in. The reasoning for this is I have no reasons to be in certain areas of town. If I was to get into a car accident or even get a speeding ticket, I would have no reason to give my wife why I was in that area.

However, the person told me they couldn't give me that information because of their safety??? I wasn't asking for a street address, a hotel or anything specific. Telling me they are on the east side/south side or Clive or Urbandale is not the same thing as telling me their actual location. But, they would not give me the area at all, citing safety so obviously we will not be meeting.

Am I off base asking that question? Originally Posted by SinOrSwim
It's a valid question and in no way jeopardizes anyone's safety or privacy by giving the general location of their incall. Example....I'm 5-10 minutes from Merle Hay Mall. I truly understand providers taking things up a notch to protect themselves given the recent events, but this seems like an overreach IMO. If the provider isn't comfortable giving a general location to help you decide whether it is a 'good fit' logistically....move on.
I stand on the side of the ladies on this one. I respect the issue of safety VERY much. Everyone has their own comfort zone based on their life situations and so forth. I was once married while I hobbyed, and yes timing etc was a bit more of an issue. Today I'm "single again" and can have all the flexibility I want. We all (both sides) need to remember the gray legal areas we are in and respect each others wishes. There can be a lot at stake on both the clients and providers sides. If you want to be totally safe, try a Nevada brothel as I once did before I discovered the "hobby". Our independent ladies are awesome compared to the stringent legal rules the legal ones must adhere to. So, play safe. Abide by each providers personal rules, and have fun. It's more fun when each side feels safe, doesn't it? I was with oneprovider at a hotel and just as we were getting "hot'n heavy" there was a knock on the door. Talk about my heart about stopping! Turned out she'd forgotten about a pizza she'd ordered as she hadn't eaten and it was the delivery guy! Well, we laughed about it afterwards, she apologized and shared pizza. But it showed me how scary it can get quite quickly. So guys, be respectful and tolerant and then have relaxed fun ;-)
livn2do's Avatar
The reasoning for this is I have no reasons to be in certain areas of town. If I was to get into a car accident or even get a speeding ticket, I would have no reason to give my wife why I was in that area. Originally Posted by SinOrSwim
How about "Because I fucking wanted to be"

Chuckwalla said it very well, albeit a lot nicer then I would have.

I received a phone call the other day from a hobbiest who got caught up in all the recent BS happening in our city. It ain't over, its far from being over. For a hobbiest right now to expect anything, even a hint of a location, PRIOR to actually booking an appointment is in my mind ludicris, when this is a 1st time appointment. When she refused to give you a general location did you by chance offer up your significant others "circle of safety", i.e. I can only see you if your incall falls within these specific boundaries.

Your questions isn't entirely out of line but your timing sucks.

Its too bad it didn't work out for you because she's amazing in the sack.
livn2do's Avatar
I often ask the same question, my truck has GPS, so i worry about the same thing. I also wonder why some providers won't do outfall unless I give them all the information up front. providers rarely give you hotel and room number on first call, why should we? Originally Posted by yogi692
Because she has the pussy that's why
Because she has the pussy that's why Originally Posted by livn2do

Love Renee's true. we men are powerless
I agree. it is for most part, safety and screening good. Us touring ladies may not know the size of a city and we could for example, give a general area/location not knowing there is only 4 hotels in that area. if it was LE calling or a psychotic person, you now know the area I was in and narrowed down to the four possible hotels in that particular area.

I as well don't like to give my location unless I know you are making an appointment.
DallasRain's Avatar
all good points...

When I am at home and am hosting a new client...I will tell him the housenumber for a few houses down on other side of street...then when I see him pull there,I call him and give him correct address....{of course the house that I give is a vacant}

we gals have to be extra careful!
the whole point of getting Pre-verified was so I COULD make an appointment. The reason I was asking was if I have no reason to be in a certain area of town I didn't want the lady going through the effort to screen me if I couldn't make an appt. It was obviously Andrea even though I was tryin g to keep that quiet. If people don't want business, so be it.

An,d livin.............because I wanna be????? Obviously you are not in a relationship and if you are? the lack of respect with a comment like that is awful.

I was curiousabout others thoughts. Wasn't trying to call out Andrea. I was just trying to get the process moving so I could make an appt.