Not even close
Walk in gross walked out just so ya all know
Shit i think i put this in a wrong spot
Couture's Avatar
Fake pictures...go figure!!!
Ya i was just tell myself only girls like u from now on ...i always seem to miss ya or i dont have enough cash and pulling a few 100 out of account is kind of a red flag
Couture's Avatar
Ya i was just tell myself only girls like u from now on ...i always seem to miss ya or i dont have enough cash and pulling a few 100 out of account is kind of a red flag Originally Posted by buryl005
Well I'm running a special so you should come see me sweetheart!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
So sorry that happened

maybe when I come back in january...Renee and I can make your day better!!!
timster's Avatar
Well she did say it would be an unforgettable experience!
Not even the right nationality when the door opened and no one was there she was hiding behind the door i should have just turned around
what is your special Renee?
Moved to proper forum. Now an alert, just good information.