This saving money sucks

Strip clubs - Closed
AMPs - Closed
Bars- Closed
Casino - Closed
Beaches - Closed
Providers - Scarce

If this keeps up i may have enough to buy a new car or truck and on a positive note i have been stretching more. Soon i may be able to bend over enough to Suck my own dick. Poor thing needs a good lashing. Lol

Thoughts. Lol
MrTex1959's Avatar
Not all AMP closed. Just need to venture out and pull on the doors or call. You may get lucky
On the flip side all the money I've been saving up, will mean a very good time when this is over. Gonna have a lotta cash to spend on providers, amps, strip clubs etc.
DallasRain's Avatar
i am so ready to roadtrip that way...maybe may if this stuff goes away...ughhhh it needs to end!!!!!!!!
MrTex1959's Avatar
Tried 8 AMP Friday on West Side of town. Zero luck this time. Back to the house and Porn Hub..
I just bought a 65” TV and a Surround Sound system with my hobby funds.