I am a job creator: A manifesto for the entitled

Munchmasterman's Avatar
I am a job creator: A manifesto for the entitled
I am a corporate chief executive.
I am a business owner.
I am a private-equity fund manager.
I am the misunderstood superhero of American capitalism, single-handedly creating wealth and prosperity despite all the obstacles put in my way by employees, government and the media.
I am a job creator and I am entitled.
I am entitled to complain about the economy even when my stock price, my portfolio and my profits are at record levels.
I am entitled to a healthy and well-educated workforce, a modern and efficient transportation system and protection for my person and property, just as I am entitled to demonize the government workers who provide them.
I am entitled to complain bitterly about taxes that are always too high, even when they are at record lows.
I am entitled to a judicial system that efficiently enforces contracts and legal obligations on customers, suppliers and employees but does not afford them the same right in return.
I am entitled to complain about the poor quality of service provided by government agencies even as I leave my own customers on hold for 35 minutes while repeatedly telling them how important their call is.
I am entitled to a compensation package that is above average for my company’s size and industry, reflecting the company’s aspirations if not its performance.
I am entitled to have the company pay for breakfasts and lunches, a luxury car and private jet travel, my country club dues and home security systems, box seats to all major sporting events, a pension equal to my current salary and a full package of insurance — life, health, dental, disability and long-term care — through retirement.
I am entitled to have my earned income taxed as capital gains and my investment income taxed at the lowest rate anywhere in the world — or not at all.
I am entitled to inside information and favorable investment opportunities not available to ordinary investors. I am entitled to brag about my investment returns.
I am entitled to pass on my accumulated wealth tax-free to heirs, who in turn, are entitled to claim that they earned everything they have.
I am entitled to use unlimited amounts of my own or company funds to buy elections without disclosing such expenditures to shareholders or the public.
I am entitled to use company funds to burnish my own charitable reputation.
I am entitled to provide political support to radical, uncompromising politicians and then complain about how dysfunctional Washington has become.
Although I have no clue how government works, I am entitled to be consulted on public policy by politicians and bureaucrats who have no clue about how business works.
I am entitled to publicly criticize the president and members of Congress, who are not entitled to criticize me.
I am entitled to fire any worker who tries to organize a union. I am entitled to break any existing union by moving, or threatening to move, operations to a union-hostile environment.
I am entitled to a duty of care and loyalty from employees and investors who are owed no such duty in return.
I am entitled to operate my business free of all government regulations other than those written or approved by my industry.
I am entitled to load companies up with debt in order to pay myself and investors big dividends — and then blame any bankruptcy on over-compensated workers.
I am entitled to contracts, subsidies, tax breaks, loans and even bailouts from government, even as I complain about job-killing government budget deficits.
I am entitled to federal entitlement reform.
I am entitled to take credit for all the jobs I create while ignoring any jobs I destroy.
I am entitled to claim credit for all the profits made during a booming economy while blaming losses or setbacks on adverse market or economic conditions.
I am entitled to deny knowledge or responsibility for any controversial decisions made after my departure from the company, even while profiting from such decisions if they enhance shareholder value.
I am entitled to all the rights and privileges of running an American company, but owe no loyalty to American workers or taxpayers.
I am entitled to confidential information about my employees and customers while refusing even to list the company’s phone number on its Web site.
I am entitled to be treated with deference and respect by investors I mislead, customers I bamboozle, directors I manipulate and employees I view as expendable.
I am entitled to be lionized in the media without answering any questions from reporters.
I am entitled to the VIP entrance.
I am entitled to everything I have and more that I still deserve.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
What is this?

. . . Some sort of parody?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-03-2012, 06:39 AM
I am a job creator: A manifesto for the entitled

I am entitled to load companies up with debt in order to pay myself and investors big dividends — and then blame any bankruptcy on over-compensated workers.

I am entitled to contracts, subsidies, tax breaks, loans and even bailouts from government, even as I complain about job-killing government budget deficits.

I am entitled to claim credit for all the profits made during a booming economy while blaming losses or setbacks on adverse market or economic conditions.

I am entitled to all the rights and privileges of running an American company, but owe no loyalty to American workers or taxpayers.
. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

I'm Mitt Romney ,,,,and I approve this message!
What all these rants don't admit is that those "entitled" really ARE job creators. The ranters are blind.

Some years back, the gummint had the brilliant idea of passing a luxury tax on yachts. They figured the 1%ers who bought yachts wouldn't mind paying a chunk of extra bucks to the gummint for the privilege of buying their toys.

They figured wrong. Yacht sales plummeted.

OK, so the gummint didn't get the bonanza they expected. No harm done, no foul, right?


There is a rather large industry around yachts, that employs a rather large number of people, to sell, service, maintain, dock, and in general take care of them. That industry depends on yacht sales to provide the money to keep things running. When yacht sales took a dive, the support industry tanked, boatyards closed, and a whole bunch of blue-collar workers found themselves unemployed, in places that didn't have a whole lot of other industry that could pick them up.

This put a significant hit on their state unemployment insurance funds, as well as on the Federal (and state) income tax revenues.

In other words, the luxury tax on yachts killed jobs that would otherwise have been created or maintained by yacht sales, and causes significant gummint EXPENDITURE on unemployment compensation.

As a revenue source, it was about as miserable a failure as you can get.

It was repealed a few years later.

Pretty much every tax proposal out there assumes that people won't change their behavior in response to that tax. Pretty much every tax that has been passed has resulted in changes in taxpayer behavior, to avoid that tax. (Note that the Supreme Court has ruled that it is not illegal to arrange your affairs to minimize your tax liability.)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-03-2012, 07:14 AM

Pretty much every tax proposal out there assumes that people won't change their behavior in response to that tax. Pretty much every tax that has been passed has resulted in changes in taxpayer behavior, to avoid that tax. (Note that the Supreme Court has ruled that it is not illegal to arrange your affairs to minimize your tax liability.) Originally Posted by Sidewinder
What you silly fucks do not understand is that tax breaks skew the market place just as tax hikes do.

That is WTF is wrong with your so called job creator bullshit.

You are not a job creator if you need huge tax breaks that others do not get.

That was the whole point of the OP.

That is what you Tea Nuts do not get.
markroxny's Avatar
I'm sorry, what jobs are Mitt Romney creating?
Sounds like the stupid and lazy had another outbreak of greed and envy.......I guess if we don't hand over our property they will take it by force, rape our women and murder our children.......let me show the mongrel hoard the damage one motivated man with a Glock 19 can do!!!!!!!

markroxny's Avatar
Boy, your insecurities, fear and loathing are on 11 this morning Marshall.

I attribute it to the fact that you know Romney is going to lose and you are beginning to panic.

You shoulda stayed banned and not come back.
What you silly fucks do not understand is that tax breaks skew the market place just as tax hikes do.

That is WTF is wrong with your so called job creator bullshit.

You are not a job creator if you need huge tax breaks that others do not get.

That was the whole point of the OP.

That is what you Tea Nuts do not get. Originally Posted by WDF

Hey WDF, you mean like the tax breaks and outright government money that Government Motors got that Ford didn't???? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! I guess GM is not a job creator, nor A JOB SAVER!!!! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

It's human nature to want more easier.....people pursuing tax breaks is not the problem....politicians who give them are the problem.....I don't disagree with your point, but you fail to see WHO is the problem.....the problem is government........The Founding Fathers recognized that all governments will be corrupt and incompetent....like conservatives today, the Founding Fathers recognized that some government was necessary so some corruption and incompentence had to be tolerated....they felt, like conservatives today, that the problem of government corruption and incompetence could not be elimated, but it could be limited, thus: LIMITED GOVERNMENT......you dumbass immoral cocksucker..........
markroxny's Avatar
Limited government? Really Marshall?

So that includes government not being involved in abortion, gay marriage, birth control and other personal choices right? Isn't that right Marshall?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What you silly fucks do not understand is that tax breaks skew the market place just as tax hikes do.

That is WTF is wrong with your so called job creator bullshit.

You are not a job creator if you need huge tax breaks that others do not get.

That was the whole point of the OP.

That is what you Tea Nuts do not get. Originally Posted by WTF
Lord have mercy! WDF got one right! That's why we need to repeal our ridiculous tax code.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Limited government? Really Marshall?

So that includes government not being involved in abortion, gay marriage, birth control and other personal choices right? Isn't that right Marshall? Originally Posted by markroxny
I know you're asking Marshall, but I would answer that, HELL, YES!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-03-2012, 02:23 PM

  • Laz
  • 10-03-2012, 03:05 PM
What you silly fucks do not understand is that tax breaks skew the market place just as tax hikes do.

That is WTF is wrong with your so called job creator bullshit.

You are not a job creator if you need huge tax breaks that others do not get.

That was the whole point of the OP.

That is what you Tea Nuts do not get. Originally Posted by WTF
Us silly fucks understand it just fine. We agree with what you just stated. Special tax breaks should not be needed but the flip side is also true. Special taxes that don't apply to everyone are also counter productive.Taxes in general hurt the economy and need to be as small as possible.

Clearly you do not understand the core position of the tea party since that is what they believe also.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-03-2012, 03:19 PM
IMO half of the tea party doesnt know their "position"

on one side of the coin they cry socialist this and that, on the other side of the coin they scream "leave my social security alone"

down with BIG government ... but lets increase the size of the government to control the shit we dont like ...

so called "positions" look good on paper, but when the nut cuttin' comes into play the TP'ers grab their balls and call time out ....