Apartments/rentals and transportation

Babydoll2211's Avatar
Hey, just wondering if anyone has an apartment or rentals that they would trade. Or does anyone know of anyone who will work with me knowing what I do and help me get into my own apartment. I was living with a boyfriend and was together for 3 years but he is violent and controls every love I make so it's impossible to try to better myself or make money and of course he don't want to help take care of me. And then I can move in with this other guy and he is a straight psycho and is up and down up and down and he scares me at times. He holds my stuff hostage and is crazy. I can't live like this. I am trying so hard to get my life together and I just need help getting and it's so hard to get a place when I actually don't have income that I can prove and I don't really have the best credit. It is now in the good section... It's like 610... And just about a year ago is was very poor and it was like 382. Something really low like that. But anyways if someone could help me or lead me into the right direction that would be so helpful. People have offered me to live with other companions but that does not always workout because for one the work schedules and then stuff supposedly starts happening or something happens over money and it just sucks.

Anyways if anyone can help me that would be amazing. I don't want to live out of apartments but I guess I would.

Also, I don't know if someone has a car that they will trade or allow me to put a down payment on and then pay payments. I have had 2 guys do that for me and one of them is not in the position to be able to do that again. Life is so much easier with transportation. It takes forever to get anywhere on the bus and it sucks. But transportation can wait. A place to live is the most important. I prefer not to live with anyone. Or be room mate. I would just like to rent, or trade or rent and trade....

Any help would greatly be appreciated ...

Thank you so much and I hope everyone is having a a good day!