ask away.....clarifying some talk .......2 new pics

roxi_rgv25's Avatar
can ask any questions. clarify talk about me on here....
When are you coming to corpus? ��
roxi_rgv25's Avatar
i don't have any plans to visit Corpus Sorry
i don't have any plans to visit Corpus Sorry Originally Posted by roxi_rgv25
Well dangit. I will have to make my way down to edinburg
[Staff edit. M]
westex_bongo's Avatar
[Staff edit. M]
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[Staff edit. M]
roxi_rgv25's Avatar
says your inbox is full

[Staff edit. M]
What’s the perfect client looks like?
roxi_rgv25's Avatar
look like?? Well....Brendan Fraser circa 1992-now, Dan Akroyd, Tom Wilkinson, Stellan Skarsgard LOL........

older, should probably know the hobby, respectful, clean, express what they want clearly, not clingy, say things face to face not on a forum , DOESNT use the words sup, wassup....
[Staff edit. M]
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-26-2022, 11:24 PM
Lots of forbidden and promotional content in this thread.

I suggest you all direct your questions to the provider through private means.
