How The Fuck Did We Get Here?!

So, the Moron in Chief gleefully signed away our energy independence in the first couple of days in office.

Putin invade Ukraine. Turns out instead of paying Americans to develop our own fossil fuel recourse, Ole Stupid has been buying from Russia.

Well, we can’t do that now, so what is the senile old bastard’s solution?

Buy from Iran. Venezuela. Go beg hat in hand to the Saudi’s.

Whose next? North Korea.

This is what happens when you elect a old, senile, inept, lying corrupt piece of shirt President.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Like where the answer is already in the question??

So, the Moron in Chief gleefully signed away our energy independence in the first couple of days in office.

Putin invade Ukraine. Turns out instead of paying Americans to develop our own fossil fuel recourse, Ole Stupid has been buying from Russia.

Well, we can’t do that now, so what is the senile old bastard’s solution?

Buy from Iran. Venezuela. Go beg hat in hand to the Saudi’s.

Whose next? North Korea.

This is what happens when you elect a old, senile, inept, lying corrupt piece of shirt President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Gotta watch out for those pieces of shirt!

Get a bike and quitcherbitchin already

So, the Moron in Chief gleefully signed away our energy independence in the first couple of days in office.

Putin invade Ukraine. Turns out instead of paying Americans to develop our own fossil fuel recourse, Ole Stupid has been buying from Russia.

Well, we can’t do that now, so what is the senile old bastard’s solution?

Buy from Iran. Venezuela. Go beg hat in hand to the Saudi’s.

Whose next? North Korea.

This is what happens when you elect a old, senile, inept, lying corrupt piece of shirt President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Good post and very fair to both sides.

What is funny (well maybe fatal now) is that the Keystone Pipeline travels through Republican states yet the Dems argument for its prevention is primarily for safety. How many times will Biden trip over the White House lawn hose but not say a damn word?
chefnerd's Avatar
So, the Moron in Chief gleefully signed away our energy independence in the first couple of days in office.

Putin invade Ukraine. Turns out instead of paying Americans to develop our own fossil fuel recourse, Ole Stupid has been buying from Russia.

Well, we can’t do that now, so what is the senile old bastard’s solution?

Buy from Iran. Venezuela. Go beg hat in hand to the Saudi’s.

Whose next? North Korea.

This is what happens when you elect a old, senile, inept, lying corrupt piece of shirt President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
So you are saying we should subject ourselves to a lying corrupt diaper wearing egocentric sociopath who would make us a vassal of his Russian egocentric sociopath puppet master
Hee Hee! ... YOU voted for Biden! ...

#### Salty
tman1847's Avatar
So, the Moron in Chief gleefully signed away our energy independence in the first couple of days in office.

Putin invade Ukraine. Turns out instead of paying Americans to develop our own fossil fuel recourse, Ole Stupid has been buying from Russia.

Well, we can’t do that now, so what is the senile old bastard’s solution?

Buy from Iran. Venezuela. Go beg hat in hand to the Saudi’s.

Whose next? North Korea.

This is what happens when you elect a old, senile, inept, lying corrupt piece of shirt President. Originally Posted by Jackie S

The de facto leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates declined to arrange calls with President Joe Biden in recent weeks as the U.S. worked to contain a spike in oil prices driven by Russia’s war on Ukraine
LexusLover's Avatar
So you are saying we should subject ourselves to a lying corrupt diaper wearing egocentric sociopath who would make us a vassal of his Russian egocentric sociopath puppet master Originally Posted by chefnerd
Never heard Bitten described so well. That's a keeper!

I agree on the "diaper wearing" based on how he walks to the bird!

It's almost like he just took a shit in them and ....

.... he's afraid of a leak. Opps!

bambino's Avatar
Supposedly, 81 million morons voted for him.
bambino's Avatar
Vladimir Putin didn’t just invade Ukraine on 24/02/2022, he officially ended the petrodollar system.

“How? Remember, Russians don’t do anything without a plan. They & China have been prepping for this moment for years & are now ready:

Russia has stated NATO expansion into Ukraine was a red line.

-They knew their invasion of Ukraine would be inevitable and would have strategized that the US/West’s response would be SWIFT $ system exclusions/sanctions.

It is reasonable to expect that Russia’s next step would have been to shut off oil/gas pipelines to Europe, as Russia has built up huge Yuan, gold & commodity reserves.

-This will cause massive price and supply disruptions (war level) to the western markets & monetary system.

- For years Russia & China have looked for ways to re-monetize gold & exit abuses of SWIFT system as a geopolitical tool against them, but how to do it, how to exit, without West declaring it an act of aggression or war against the West?

- This Ukraine invasion just accomplished that end for them. And the West is doing it themselves.

-Now, freed to declare themselves SWIFT system outcasts by the western govt hands, Russia can now say “we will turn oil pipelines back on, but not for dollars.”

- Russia then declares that Europe or anyone that wants Russian oil (as of 3rd largest global producer) or Russian/Ukrainian wheat (1/4 of the world's production) must pay in gold, or use the ruble-yuan gold-backed payment system.

- Their leverage as an oil producer (who cuts off supply) will cause almost immediate price shocks to the western world. A good part of the population could immediately be unable to heat their homes.

- Almost equal to the oil shock they’d cause is their ability to cause food shortages and price spikes through the disruption of wheat production.

-Unmentioned in all this is China. Who has been silent & not condemned Russia? That means silent approval & cooperation.

- China will act to soak up Russian production of oil and wheat to soften the blow to their “strategic partner”.

- This will again be through the Yuan-Ruble facility and at some point overtly-stated gold backing of that system by Russia and China.

- The West will of course declare those last two bullets as acts of global aggression and direct threats to the “world monetary system”.

- At this point that there will be a clear fracture of the world’s monetary system into 2 competing East/West structures, circling back to the initial point that the 50-year global petrodollar system has just officially been ended by Putin.

If the above analysis is indeed correct, then the threat to the petro- $ is no different to the time of Charles De Gaulle or Gaddafi, but on a larger scale. They can't remove Putin as easy as they did with previous leaders who challenged their fraudulent petrodollar monetary system.”
~Phil Seymour
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The de facto leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates declined to arrange calls with President Joe Biden in recent weeks as the U.S. worked to contain a spike in oil prices driven by Russia’s war on Ukraine Originally Posted by tman1847
It's hard enough to translate English to Arabic and visa versa. Imagine trying to translate Babbling Cabbage to Arabic. Doubt there are many that can do that.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Kamala's got this, with Joe's insightful tutelage.

Vladimir Putin didn’t just invade Ukraine on 24/02/2022, he officially ended the petrodollar system.

“How? Remember, Russians don’t do anything without a plan. They & China have been prepping for this moment for years & are now ready:

Russia has stated NATO expansion into Ukraine was a red line.

-They knew their invasion of Ukraine would be inevitable and would have strategized that the US/West’s response would be SWIFT $ system exclusions/sanctions.

It is reasonable to expect that Russia’s next step would have been to shut off oil/gas pipelines to Europe, as Russia has built up huge Yuan, gold & commodity reserves.

-This will cause massive price and supply disruptions (war level) to the western markets & monetary system.

- For years Russia & China have looked for ways to re-monetize gold & exit abuses of SWIFT system as a geopolitical tool against them, but how to do it, how to exit, without West declaring it an act of aggression or war against the West?

- This Ukraine invasion just accomplished that end for them. And the West is doing it themselves.

-Now, freed to declare themselves SWIFT system outcasts by the western govt hands, Russia can now say “we will turn oil pipelines back on, but not for dollars.”

- Russia then declares that Europe or anyone that wants Russian oil (as of 3rd largest global producer) or Russian/Ukrainian wheat (1/4 of the world's production) must pay in gold, or use the ruble-yuan gold-backed payment system.

- Their leverage as an oil producer (who cuts off supply) will cause almost immediate price shocks to the western world. A good part of the population could immediately be unable to heat their homes.

- Almost equal to the oil shock they’d cause is their ability to cause food shortages and price spikes through the disruption of wheat production.

-Unmentioned in all this is China. Who has been silent & not condemned Russia? That means silent approval & cooperation.

- China will act to soak up Russian production of oil and wheat to soften the blow to their “strategic partner”.

- This will again be through the Yuan-Ruble facility and at some point overtly-stated gold backing of that system by Russia and China.

- The West will of course declare those last two bullets as acts of global aggression and direct threats to the “world monetary system”.

- At this point that there will be a clear fracture of the world’s monetary system into 2 competing East/West structures, circling back to the initial point that the 50-year global petrodollar system has just officially been ended by Putin.

If the above analysis is indeed correct, then the threat to the petro- $ is no different to the time of Charles De Gaulle or Gaddafi, but on a larger scale. They can't remove Putin as easy as they did with previous leaders who challenged their fraudulent petrodollar monetary system.”
~Phil Seymour Originally Posted by bambino
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
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  • 03-09-2022, 01:47 PM
So, the Moron in Chief gleefully signed away our energy independence in the first couple of days in office.
. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Have you seen the rig count before and a year AFTER Biden has been in office?

Please quit parroting Senator Cruz....he sounds like an idiot making those claims about this energy independence bs.
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  • 03-09-2022, 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
That is pretty fucking straight forward