Mulitple Login requests

Possibly a dumb ? but here goes.
Why is it I (perhaps others) have to log in multiple times?
I log in when I initially enter the eccie site ( world) then I go to the city region Of choice. when I seek to post I am prompted again & again for another login. just seems a waste. is it because I don't have Premium access yet?

Thanks for your time.
brutusbluto's Avatar
When you log in do you click the remember me box?
Yes I've tried it at the front-end & while within and being prompted. 1 thing I do that others may not is I will back page out of a section rather that jump over the top On & on, just a way to try & clear & free memory but I don't know if that should effect a properly set-up program (ref a Yahoo log-on and the ability to jump into & out of email or news or other linked apps without any need to relogin.

I do use a site called to initially log on it does not forward my MAC/IP addr. could this be the problem?

other than that site is fine.
I think its due to a cookie issue or something like that. things work better via a google link vs the yippy (protect my mac/ip addr link.
I'll continue to monitor as I use win 7, mozilla (latest Ver) private browser feature.