Another Victory For Liberty!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A Federal Court of Appeals panel has ruled that exiting a highway rather than submit to a drug check station is NOT probable cause for a stop!

Cheers to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals!

well if something us successful stop it. Damn Kansas libs
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is about time the courts start reigning in the police.
guess you goons would rather they stop every one on the Highway rather than the druggies funny
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, we just want the Constitution to be followed, which requires that there be probable cause for any stop. I know you don't like the Constitution, Ekim, but that is what it says. If you want to change it, start a movement for an amendment removing the probable cause requirement. Good luck.
No, we just want the Constitution to be followed, which requires that there be probable cause for any stop. I know you don't like the Constitution, Ekim, but that is what it says. If you want to change it, start a movement for an amendment removing the probable cause requirement. Good luck. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

oh fuck you ,you have no idea what my thoughts are. there are police stings all the time,and this was one good one that worked, Tell me is a road block for DUI going to be challenged also? And what is the diff of stopping on the Hw or the exit??you can kiss those judges ass if you want,I liked the idea and it worked.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

See, you don't mind if the Constitution is ignored. Thanks for clarifying your position. Have a nice day.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I see he s one of those you shouldn't have to worry about your liberties if you are not doing anything wrong sort of people. A little inconvenience on your part should be tolerated in order to fight (fill in the blank). People like that don't deserve to be protected from tyranny.

I do not normally go off but what ekimo says has to be the most stupid inane idiotic dumb as shit disgusting attitude toward civil liberties and it makes me want to puke thinking that I have a son in the military fighting for the like of him. What a total piece of shit that doesn't deserve to live In the United States of America. People like him just plain disgust me.

He has to be one of the dumbest cock sucking people I have ever seen type a word. I have more respect for a communist than I do for him.

See, you don't mind if the Constitution is ignored. Thanks for clarifying your position. Have a nice day. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

you keep babbling about the constitution But never explained what you think the diff of stopping people on a exit or all the traffic on the road is.Also are DUI check points going to be illegal also? they had this on the news a while back,seemed like a very successful operation. you put up a sigh indecating a drug stop ahead.99% of those continuing are probably not in possession. there was a high rate of the ones exiting that were carrying or in possession.Culled the ones out and made the work easier and more productive,but lets all give the criminals a break.guess you and the Judges didn't want anyone interfering with your Blow. have a nice day and welcome to the bleeding hearts.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If people want to stop voluntarily, fine. If they have no choice, the government needs probable cause to stop them.
you keep babbling about the constitution But never explained what you think the diff of stopping people on a exit or all the traffic on the road is.Also are DUI check points going to be illegal also? they had this on the news a while back,seemed like a very successful operation. you put up a sigh indecating a drug stop ahead.99% of those continuing are probably not in possession. there was a high rate of the ones exiting that were carrying or in possession.Culled the ones out and made the work easier and more productive,but lets all give the criminals a break.guess you and the Judges didn't want anyone interfering with your Blow. have a nice day and welcome to the bleeding hearts. Originally Posted by ekim008
Set your Gestapo (secret state police) every 5 miles, on every road in this USA. Would that make you happy ekim.
Set your Gestapo (secret state police) every 5 miles, on every road in this USA. Would that make you happy ekim. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

As dumb a reply as expected from you.

so now it will be illegal for the following
DUI checkpoints
Driver license and proof of insurance checks
DOT will not be able to make random checks
Current registration of vehicle.

fuck why even want Police?
As dumb a reply as expected from you.

so now it will be illegal for the following
DUI checkpoints
Driver license and proof of insurance checks
DOT will not be able to make random checks
Current registration of vehicle.

fuck why even want Police? Originally Posted by ekim008
What part of "probable cause" do you not understand?
What part of "probable cause" do you not understand? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

I understand it perfect,you bleeding heart liberal.