One Name..Wichita

ElumEno's Avatar
sorry, just throwing it out there again.

I know it has been brought up before, but is there any chance to get Wichita separated from the KC Metro Forum.
I do believe that it would be a great help to both the Hobbyist and Providers of both areas.
RLogan's Avatar
This post was really timely for me. I just got back from a business trip to Wichita, and was very frustrated by having to trudge through every ad to see if any applied to Wichita. My plan A fell through and never found a plan B. oh well, such is life in the hobby. If I had a vote, this would have mine.
GypsyHeart's Avatar
Considering Wichita is way over there and KC is way over here...... it would be a good idea.
MrThom's Avatar
Same for Tulsa, I would think, but our provider base, may be to small.