The GOP vote to eat their own

eyecu2's Avatar
It's funny to watch the GOP in the great Mormon state of Utah. Ronna (Romney) McDaniel has put forth comments that they need to censure to GOP members who followed the constitutional oath they took, protect the country from all threats both foreign and domestic.

Shame on them for looking into how the January 6th riot took place and the resulting 2,000 plus people who entered the capital. I'm not sure when seeking the truth became became a crime or politically of dis-interest that the RNC, GOP has decided they have to stop immediately, or to censure their own constituents. It seems as though the truth needs to lay in a dark box for republicans, as it just doesn't fit with their narratives. I predict that Liz Cheney will come out of this stronger than she ever was before, and even folks like Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell will support the exposure of those who were complicit. It's a shame that the rest of the GOP lemmings, run by Trump or afraid of trump, will run to shake their fists at the truth that's forthcoming, because their "king" demands it. The results of these findings are due out in the next month or so. I guess we'll see what the results are from a committee that was interested in seeking the truth, and even subpoenaed, or requested those in the know to come and explain what they knew. People like Mark Meadows, who understand what's at stake, originally participated there willingly, or at suggestion of a legal counsel, so it should be interesting to see where are the chips lie.
... Your first paragraph was fine... but then - you did a second...

You may very well be correct about Liz Cheney there, mate.
She may come out of this stronger then ever.
And, if so - good for her.

She can surely rely on that strength as she decides on a new
choice of career... The one she got now is coming to a direct END.

#### Salty
Eye, I don't know if you noticed that they will look directly at truth then ignore it and argue with you about whatever lie they are trying to put forth!

And Salty are you even legal?
You didn't slip through a crack in Trump's wall did you?
You did obey the immigration laws of 2017 didn't you?
The one concerning Australians wishing to immigrate to the U.S.?
That executive order that the orange douchbag enacted in 2017?
You did adhere to it right to the letter right?

... Your first paragraph was fine... but then - you did a second...

You may very well be correct about Liz Cheney there, mate.
She may come out of this stronger then ever.
And, if so - good for her.

She can surely rely on that strength as she decides on a new
choice of career... The one she got now is coming to a direct END.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I'm not sure when seeking the truth became became a crime or politically of dis-interest
Here’s to hoping you’re not dumb enough to actually believe that’s what their doing.
eyecu2's Avatar
Here’s to hoping you’re not dumb enough to actually believe that’s what their doing. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Well what message are they sending besides your either in our team which wants the Jan 6 'thing' to go away, or you are on a side that says..." Wow that escalated quickly and we need to get that shit under wraps"? My sense of it is that the GOP is trying to rally troops to conformity vs. following an oath to protect the constitution. That thing that traditionalist GOPers says is what they are for and Dems are not. You know those Libs are socialists and cannot be trusted so, let's make sure we don't have anyone at our lunch table sitting at the Libs lunch table mentality. It's just sad that they've chosen a political party over justice. So let's see when the shit hits the fan, who decides to eat each other. My guess will be the GOP. This is coming to a head before midterms!

What do you think will happen?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Midterms is the only reason they’re trying to keep the unannounced field trip in the news. Everything dems have touched, foreign or domestic, has turned into such a massive clusterfuck that they can only rely on distraction. It won’t save them, only hardcore morons give AF about J6, and they would all vote dem regardless. It’s in their nature.
berryberry's Avatar
Well what message are they sending besides your either in our team which wants the Jan 6 'thing' to go away, or you are on a side that says..." Wow that escalated quickly and we need to get that shit under wraps"? Originally Posted by eyecu2
You obviously have not paid attention to the Libtards sham J6 committee. That is what this is about.

You know - how the libtards violated House rules and did not permit the Minority Leader to appoint his chosen members to the committee

or how Pelosi after blocking all Republican members from serving on the sham J6 committee, added these two puppets

or how the libtards sham J6 committee refuses to investigate the key issue - which is if Nancy Pelosi, the DC mayor and the Capitol Police do their job on security and not be so unprepared there is no “January 6.”

or how the sham committee is violating everyday citizens rights

The RNC vote was very smart politics. People are tired of the RINOs and the biggest problem Republican Party politicians have is that their voters do not feel represented or that they fight, as Democratic base voters are and do. The base of the Republican Party knows that Liz Cheney has completely lost her ability to be effective. She spends every minute of every day engaged in her personal vendetta against Donald Trump. The base knows that Kinzinger is a whiny bitch who is simply upset he was not appointed the Secretary of the Air Force by Trump. His conveniently offended posture about Jan 6 isn't fooling anyone.

Actually mere censuring of Kinzinger and Cheney for serving as Pelosi’s most useful handmaidens seems insufficient, given their leading roles in violating the privacy and civil rights of so many Americans, but it is a start. The rest will take place in November when both are out of the House
eyecu2's Avatar
Midterms is the only reason they’re trying to keep the unannounced field trip in the news. Everything dems have touched, foreign or domestic, has turned into such a massive clusterfuck that they can only rely on distraction. It won’t save them, only hardcore morons give AF about J6, and they would all vote dem regardless. It’s in their nature. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Spoken like a guy who thinks the ppl who broke into the capital are all Patriots.

I guess when there is another group who interrupt any presidential election you'll be equally ok?? But I'd also guess only as long as it's defending your guy it's ok, but for anyone or anything else it's not.

Unless, perhaps you like anarchy...which is what a person who doesn't love this country would find appealing.

Good job comrade. Spasibo.
Eye, I don't know if you noticed that they will look directly at truth then ignore it and argue with you about whatever lie they are trying to put forth!

And Salty are you even legal?
You didn't slip through a crack in Trump's wall did you?
You did obey the immigration laws of 2017 didn't you?
The one concerning Australians wishing to immigrate to the U.S.?
That executive order that the orange douchbag enacted in 2017?
You did adhere to it right to the letter right? Originally Posted by Dogface78
... NONE of your questions has anything to do
with the thread... However, I AM a fair-minded fellow.

... Me statures here in America are none of your affair,
as I'm NOT asking the extent of your so-called military service.

What I will say is that I've surely been here in America
for a good while now... And am legal, as you put it.

Though let me CORRECT one thing you mention:

TRUMP'S Wall DID NOT have any cracks in it! ...

... just sayin'

### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Anyone who actually broke in or damaged something should be accountable for their actions. That’s a small group and a small infraction, typically restitution and picking up cigarettes off the sidewalk for a weekend. What it’s not is throwing them in solitary and denied bail, that’s what dictators do, unequal application of the law due to political affiliation.

That small group aside, most of the people who were actually inside walked right in, through open doors, with full approval of security. Pretend it’s a big deal if you’ve gotta, nobody cares. Those grounded in reality will see it as it actually was, a few morons acting like morons and a minuscule problem compared to the actual problems the country is currently beset with.
berryberry's Avatar
Anyone who actually broke in or damaged something should be accountable for their actions. That’s a small group and a small infraction, typically restitution and picking up cigarettes off the sidewalk for a weekend. What it’s not is throwing them in solitary and denied bail, that’s what dictators do, unequal application of the law due to political affiliation.

That small group aside, most of the people who were actually inside walked right in, through open doors, with full approval of security. Pretend it’s a big deal if you’ve gotta, nobody cares. Those grounded in reality will see it as it actually was, a few morons acting like morons and a minuscule problem compared to the actual problems the country is currently beset with. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Very well said indeed. Unfortunately the libs don't like to hear the truth about this. They prefer to continue to spread misinformation about the whole thing. No normal American cares
eyecu2's Avatar
Anyone who actually broke in or damaged something should be accountable for their actions. That’s a small group and a small infraction...

That small group aside, most of the people who were actually inside walked right in, through open doors.....Pretend it’s a big deal if you’ve gotta, nobody cares.

Those grounded in reality will see it as it actually was, a few morons acting like morons Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Nobody cares?? Ok bub. Ask Ashley Babbitts family if they care? She was shot by trying to go through a broken out window. Why did MANY break through doors and windows if it was nothing? I heard it compared to a tourist visit, but I've been on many trips to historical locations and I never broke in a door or window. Those that would have followed through a broken door or opened window are just as guilty as those who originally broke through those openings. Just like a rioter who steals after someone initially opens a gate or breaks a window in a shop, those people are just as guilty of breaking and entering, and criminal trespass as the original person. What is most egregious here is the fact that these people tried to interrupt a political process of of validating a presidential election. Each state certified votes sent. The only reason ANY of those ppl went in, was because of being incited to interrupt that process. However they were incentivized, they are all responsible as adults for their actions, unless you think that these people are so inept or mentally challenged, which I might agree with, that they should not be held accountable for their actions. You may not think it's something important for our government to operate, but I disagree. I think there are many processes that need to be able to function, in order for our country to function. I think that's truly how most Patriots think, and you are in denial if you think obstructing those processes is okay.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Best I can tell is the only ones inciting anything was the fbi.

Ashley Babbit? That’s what you come up with? An unarmed girl murdered by some overzealous security guard that was in no danger at all.. I’m sure her family is quite pissed that they decided not to charge him.

Reread my previous post, I clearly advocated that people who broke shit should be held responsible. Then again, if we use the precedent set during the lefts summer of burn/loot/murder, these guys should be given medals and millions in funding from General Electric, Disney and Verizon.
eyecu2's Avatar
Rioters ANYWHERE should be held accountable. Peaceful protesters are totally different. If you suddenly find yourself besieged by stuff like tear gas, broken glass, fires burning, or the general sense that you shouldn't be in a particular place whether it's a store that's closed, or inside a cordoned off area, or near flames that are engulfing a business or public office, you fucked up. As an adult you have nobody to blame but yourself, and these people who have been charged have found out the hard way. Ashley Babbitt was one of those people, and while it's sad that she was shot, it was her actions that caused that. She should not have been there as she was radicalized by those who foment lies to support false narratives.

Even Mike pence stated today, that there was nothing he could do to change the outcome. He had no ability to do what those on the Reptard side of life, have suggested. He had no ability to change those votes anymore than he could change the weather. But it's sad that you would support for any reason those people disrupting a political process such as a presidential election.
chizzy's Avatar
Rioters ANYWHERE should be held accountable. Peaceful protesters are totally different. If you suddenly find yourself besieged by stuff like tear gas, broken glass, fires burning, or the general sense that you shouldn't be in a particular place whether it's a store that's closed, or inside a cordoned off area, or near flames that are engulfing a business or public office, you fucked up. As an adult you have nobody to blame but yourself, and these people who have been charged have found out the hard way. Ashley Babbitt was one of those people, and while it's sad that she was shot, it was her actions that caused that. She should not have been there as she was radicalized by those who foment lies to support false narratives.

Even Mike pence stated today, that there was nothing he could do to change the outcome. He had no ability to do what those on the Reptard side of life, have suggested. He had no ability to change those votes anymore than he could change the weather. But it's sad that you would support for any reason those people disrupting a political process such as a presidential election. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Hmmmm. So where was your outrage during the left wing riots in portland or other places where federal and state property was destroyed. Where businesses were wiped out? Meanwhile your future vp was wanting them to all go free.?

Are we talking out of both ends now?

And as far as Ashley goes, are you saying an unarmed woman who wasnt even close to the man who shot her dead was justified?

If you have a previous post condemning the riots before, please show me and I will apologize