NC GOPer (Precinct Captain) fired after giving an interview on the Daily Show (yes this is a real interview)

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
All I can say is wow. I think I winced the entire time I watched this video. This guy was fired right after it aired. The Daily Show is a political comedy show. You have to wonder if this man understood that.

Video link here

Snippets of the interview:


A Buncombe County Republican precinct chairman has been asked to resign after making "offensive" comments on the Daily Show.

Buncombe GOP chairman Henry Mitchell said Don Yelton officially stepped down from his position today.

In a segment that aired Wednesday night, Yelton blasted "lazy black people that wants the government to give them everything," one of a slew of racially inflammatory comments he made in the interview.

Mitchell called the remarks "offensive, uniformed, and unacceptable of any member within the Republican Party."

"Let me make it very clear, Mr. Yelton's comments do not reflect the belief or feelings of Buncombe republicans, nor do they mirror any core principle that our party is founded upon," Mitchell said in a press release. "This mentality will not be supported or propagated within our party."

According to the release, this isn't the first time Yelton has clashed with local party leadership.

"Yelton was recently reprimanded and removed from his position as a precinct chair in Buncombe County for a period of time in 2012 through 2013 and was then reelected to precinct chair by 2 votes (his wife and himself) at the 2013 convention placing him back on the Buncombe County Executive Committee," said the statement, also noting that Yelton neither sought nor got approval to speak on behalf of the GOP.

The state party leadership also issued a statement calling for Yelton's resignation.

Yelton told the Asheville Citizen-Times Thursday that he stands by his comments.


Comments quotes:

6. "The law is gonna kick the Democrats in the butt."
5. "Matter of fact, one of my best friends is black."
4. "When I was a young man, you didn't call a black a black, you called him a negro."
3. "I had a picture one time of Obama sittin' on a stump as a witch doctor and I posted that on Facebook. I was making fun of the white half of Obama, not the black half."
2. "If [the law] hurts the whites so be it. If it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it."
1. "Now you have a black person using the term n***** this and n***** that and it's okay for them to do it."

Mandvi, rendered nearly speechless, responds, "You know that we can hear you, right?"

Email from the NC GOP firing this guy:

Contact: Daniel Keylin
(919) 828-6423
October 24, 2013

NCGOP Demands Don Yelton's Resignation

Raleigh, NC – Following outrageous and intolerant comments by Buncombe County precinct chair Don Yelton on the Daily Show last night, North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Claude Pope called for his immediate resignation:

“The North Carolina Republican Party finds the comments made by Mr. Yelton to be completely inappropriate and highly offensive.

“I have asked for Mr. Yelton’s resignation as the precinct chairman of the Buncombe County Republican Party. If Mr. Yelton declines to resign, the NCGOP will immediately initiate the process to remove him from his position.

“I would like to make it very clear that Mr. Yelton does not speak for either the Buncombe County Republican Party or the North Carolina Republican Party. And contrary to reports, Mr. Yelton is not a member of the NCGOP Executive Committee.”


Copyright © 2013 North Carolina Republican Party, All rights reserved.

North Carolina Republican Party

1506 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27605
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 11:09 AM
I had a picture one time of Obama sittin' on a stump as a witch doctor and I posted that on Facebook. I was making fun of the white half of Obama, not the black half

yes, Alice, there are people THAT stupid, They're called Republicans.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
I had a picture one time of Obama sittin' on a stump as a witch doctor and I posted that on Facebook. I was making fun of the white half of Obama, not the black half

yes, Alice, there are people THAT stupid, They're called Republicans. Originally Posted by CJ7
LMAO... I know right?

What is even funnier is this guy says he stands by his

What a dumb ass.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 11:24 AM
LMAO... I know right?

What is even funnier is this guy says he stands by his

What a dumb ass. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp

now the asshole is free to go put on his white sheet and build bonfires on Saturday nights .... and make fun of white folk.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 10-25-2013, 12:28 PM
He was only fired for saying what Republicans really think, instead of hiding it like most of them realize they need to do.
This post has been up for over 3 hours and JDBarleycorn STILL hasn't posted something about how the Democratic Party is full of racists.

You know, something about Robert Byrd or Lyndon Johnson using the word "nigger" 45 years ago.

What gives?

I do hope the poor man hasn't taken ill. He has a job to do.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I saw the interview.

It was a breath of fresh air. No bullshit, no evasion, no code words. The guy told his version of the truth.

Living, breathing proof of an attitude this guy felt no need to change or conceal in any way for an interview for a T.V. show with a national audience.

The scary thing is that it's obvious he has never hidden these views. The same people who made him resign were well aware of and must share his outlook.

Is he the average N. C. republican? Who knows but probably not.

Is he the average N. C. republican in a leadership role?

Fuckin' aye. The people in the leadership who don't share his views are cowards for not boosting his ass out long ago.

But anything to win an election, right?
TexTushHog's Avatar
I thought he was on the State Committee, too.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I thought he was on the State Committee, too. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I thought so too.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is a goin on here?

Racism prevalent on the local level in the GOP?

Who'd a'thunk it?
All I can say is wow. I think I winced the entire time I watched this video. This guy was fired right after it aired. The Daily Show is a political comedy show. You have to wonder if this man understood that.

Video link here

Snippets of the interview:


A Buncombe County Republican precinct chairman has been asked to resign after making "offensive" comments on the Daily Show.

Buncombe GOP chairman Henry Mitchell said Don Yelton officially stepped down from his position today.

In a segment that aired Wednesday night, Yelton blasted "lazy black people that wants the government to give them everything," one of a slew of racially inflammatory comments he made in the interview.

Mitchell called the remarks "offensive, uniformed, and unacceptable of any member within the Republican Party."

"Let me make it very clear, Mr. Yelton's comments do not reflect the belief or feelings of Buncombe republicans, nor do they mirror any core principle that our party is founded upon," Mitchell said in a press release. "This mentality will not be supported or propagated within our party."

According to the release, this isn't the first time Yelton has clashed with local party leadership.

"Yelton was recently reprimanded and removed from his position as a precinct chair in Buncombe County for a period of time in 2012 through 2013 and was then reelected to precinct chair by 2 votes (his wife and himself) at the 2013 convention placing him back on the Buncombe County Executive Committee," said the statement, also noting that Yelton neither sought nor got approval to speak on behalf of the GOP.

The state party leadership also issued a statement calling for Yelton's resignation.

Yelton told the Asheville Citizen-Times Thursday that he stands by his comments.


Comments quotes:

6. "The law is gonna kick the Democrats in the butt."
5. "Matter of fact, one of my best friends is black."
4. "When I was a young man, you didn't call a black a black, you called him a negro."
3. "I had a picture one time of Obama sittin' on a stump as a witch doctor and I posted that on Facebook. I was making fun of the white half of Obama, not the black half."
2. "If [the law] hurts the whites so be it. If it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it."
1. "Now you have a black person using the term n***** this and n***** that and it's okay for them to do it."

Mandvi, rendered nearly speechless, responds, "You know that we can hear you, right?"

Email from the NC GOP firing this guy:

Contact: Daniel Keylin
(919) 828-6423
October 24, 2013

NCGOP Demands Don Yelton's Resignation

Raleigh, NC – Following outrageous and intolerant comments by Buncombe County precinct chair Don Yelton on the Daily Show last night, North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Claude Pope called for his immediate resignation:

“The North Carolina Republican Party finds the comments made by Mr. Yelton to be completely inappropriate and highly offensive.

“I have asked for Mr. Yelton’s resignation as the precinct chairman of the Buncombe County Republican Party. If Mr. Yelton declines to resign, the NCGOP will immediately initiate the process to remove him from his position.

“I would like to make it very clear that Mr. Yelton does not speak for either the Buncombe County Republican Party or the North Carolina Republican Party. And contrary to reports, Mr. Yelton is not a member of the NCGOP Executive Committee.”


Copyright © 2013 North Carolina Republican Party, All rights reserved.

North Carolina Republican Party

1506 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Wow. You found a idiot precinct R chair. Good catch. I'm surprised MSNBC didn't find him before the Daily Show. Why did you reveal him now until waiting until the 2014 mid-terms?

He won the chair position by two votes? Reminds me of the time the LaRouche folks overtook the Harris County Democratic Party apparatus because they showed up at a poorly attended meeting.
Life's Good...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Life's Good...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You're posing a risk to the board. don't believe me. Argue with me. Maybe I know what you don't... maybe not.

Your call folks... It only takes one monkey to fuck up the whole circus parade.

Ooooohh ooohhhh eeerrhhh eeehhh.

Or are you really FBI, simple jack? if not, then get your shit together,
You're posing a risk to the board. don't believe me. Argue with me. Maybe I know what you don't... maybe not.

Your call folks... It only takes one monkey to fuck up the whole circus parade.

Ooooohh ooohhhh eeerrhhh eeehhh.

Or are you really FBI, simple jack? if not, then get your shit together, Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Lol, it's no secret the FBI is on this site. Who do you think lines up all the prostitutes for the prez's secret service and all his staff when he takes all his trips?