Too many fat people in America

Thanks to the discouraging effects of liberalism, we now have entirely too many fat people in this country.

Liberals are the ultimate party poopers, always saying shit about the environment, discrimination, sexual harassment - fuck them.

The constant friction discourages people and they eat for comfort.

Fucking liberals...
  • oeb11
  • 12-31-2018, 06:56 AM
Wait for the DPST Federal Bureau of Nutrition from the new DPST House./

Precedents already instituted include banning of large size soft drinks in various municipalities to prevent obesity - usually socioeconomically dis-advantaged areas/= a clear example of DPST racism

Coming soon from the new House- regulations on diet and weight
Coupled with prison time for any not complying with bureaucratic rules and regulations.

With all the furloughs from Federal prisons with the new Prison Reform and Redemption Act - the DPST's must embark on new ways to keep the prisons full and control of the population.

Obesity prison is coming.
The first major liberal in road into "their" version of life control was the cigarette industry and banning tobacco smoking down to trying to ban it in the home, while advocating the legalization of other types of smoke.

It's a joke. Both side want to push "their" versions of life control on you, but libs always claim it's the right trying to "control"...
rexdutchman's Avatar
Ban spoons and forks or at least with a permit LOL
bamscram's Avatar
Rabid right wingers should eat drink and be merry, then de as soon as possible.
  • oeb11
  • 12-31-2018, 12:42 PM
Typical DPST - I disagree with someone's opinion
Cannot debate rationally or recognize satire
Therefore - impose the death penalty
Please - Good Sir - Try to contribute something of substance!
  • oeb11
  • 12-31-2018, 12:45 PM
Please consider reading the thread "Triggered"
A lovely portrait of the DPST and tolerance, debate on issues, and common sense.
  • oeb11
  • 12-31-2018, 12:52 PM
Took me a moment - but i finally realized:

A population of adults averaging 300 pounds or more is an immobile population glued to the tv and computer. . A disarmed immobile population is a piece of cake for DPST storm troopers to control.

Method to the madness. Gotta give 'em credit for sneaking up on people with the fork and knife ( to be banned for a spoon only)
Rabid right wingers should eat drink and be merry, then de as soon as possible. Originally Posted by bamscram
They already states have the highest obesity rates
bamscram's Avatar
Typical DPST - I disagree with someone's opinion
Cannot debate rationally or recognize satire
Therefore - impose the death penalty
Please - Good Sir - Try to contribute something of substance! Originally Posted by oeb11

You do have a problem with satire. WTF is DSPT you keep babbling about.?
Took me a moment - but i finally realized:

A population of adults averaging 300 pounds or more is an immobile population glued to the tv and computer. . A disarmed immobile population is a piece of cake for DPST storm troopers to control.

Method to the madness. Gotta give 'em credit for sneaking up on people with the fork and knife ( to be banned for a spoon only) Originally Posted by oeb11
They are devilishly clever bastards, those fucking liberals.
bamscram's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 12-31-2018, 05:14 PM Originally Posted by bamscram
Can't debate issues

So criticize how people appear through a very slanted leftist Article.
classic - all about Style and no Substance.

I look forward to the beautifully appearing hillary-warren ticket for 2020.
issues - appearance, Definition of Indian heritage, appearance, increase taxes, appearance, and etc Originally Posted by bamscram
That's a bullshit left wing hate filled liberal rag.

Fuck those assholes.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You do have a problem with satire. WTF is DSPT you keep babbling about.? Originally Posted by bamscram
DPST (Democrat Progressive Socialist Totalitarian)