Ashley Madison Hacked

More good news for your Monday morning.
... And yet another reason why not to link extra curricular activities with your real-life information.

Real name
Credit card data
Employment information

I don't doubt those fucktards even have their photos on that site.
glade55's Avatar
heh ! never understood why johns give out there real name, credit card info and employment info ! Kinda glad there getting hacked for being stupid !
pickupkid's Avatar
Oh noes! Someone beat you to the punch... And posted on the correct forum...
pickupkid's Avatar
Exithere's Avatar Originally Posted by pickupkid

It'll be interesting to see how all this plays out.
heh ! never understood why johns give out there real name, credit card info and employment info ! Kinda glad there getting hacked for being stupid ! Originally Posted by glade55
Because some johns are fucktards.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-20-2015, 10:46 PM
Another thread of the same topic merged with this one.