rich man poor man.

stand_up_guy's Avatar
Two guys that are good friends meet up every year to go shopping together for anniversary gifts for their wives since their anniversaries are also on the same day. So this year they meet up and the poor man says to the rich man "what are you gonna get your wife this year? ". Rich man says "a diamond ring and a benz". Poor man ask's "what the fuck you doin that for"? Rich man says "if she don't like the diamond she can jump in the benz and go return it". So then in turn the rich man ask's " so what are you gettin your wife this year"? Poor man says "a pair of slippers and a dildo". Rich man says "a pair of slippers and a dildo"? "What the fuck you doin that for"? Poor man says "that way if she don't like the slippers she can go fuck herself".
I like that,,,she can go fuck herself!
  • CS25
  • 07-05-2014, 04:50 AM
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