Break up's Still suck

Well after 10 years and never getting married we finally split up. Even after this long it still sucks. I got 2 airline tickets an plan on finding a lady to join me on a small getaway to get my mind off of it all. No matter your age a breakup, divorce or separation still has an affect on your life.
It may not feel like it, but you will heal. I still feel the sting of a break up 2 years after the fact, but its getting better. And I think the hobby has helped a lot. You get to meet lots of great people, and you get to interact on many levels without the 'threat' of anything serious developing. Although, one day, I hope to find that special guy.
Good luck to you, have fun, and most of all I wish you peace.
DallasRain's Avatar
sorry for your "turn of luck"....I wish ya the best!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Well after 10 years and never getting married we finally split up. Even after this long it still sucks. I got 2 airline tickets an plan on finding a lady to join me on a small getaway to get my mind off of it all. No matter your age a breakup, divorce or separation still has an affect on your life. Originally Posted by DatyGuy469
your SO dumped you?
Outdoorsman's Avatar
For me nothing better than falling in love with that one lady that just will not leave my tohughts. That one lady that she has to do is smile at me and my heart beats faster. The lady that txts me for no reason saying she cares. Wonderful feeling and I crave it at times.

Nothing worse than a break up of a long term relationship. Even though the love has dissipated over time, it is still the single most painful event in my life. I feel like a dumb ass, like a failure, and I experience fear that I will be alone, no one will ever love me, and I will never have civilian sex again. It is a horribly painful time for me. I am a man that when he falls in love, I love completely with all of me! So, when it is over it is all of me that is in pain!

A very smart lady, and a very true and good friend, told me years ago when my divorce was still fresh and painful, that only time heals these type of wounds. I think she is correct and took me about 2 years to heal and I am not sure I am completely healed but each I wake up and trudge forward I am that much closer to being free of the pain.

If you are like me, when I am in pain, despair, bad feelings, I think the rest of my life will be that way - feeling shitty. I have learned that is simply not true, the good feelings and joy does come back. I suggest hanging out with good friends and family to reassure yourself that you are a blessed man y still having loved ones. What ever you do, I feel your pain and i hope the best for you.
LilRed's Avatar
Break ups are always hard no matter how long the relatiuonship lasted. I am sorry for your pain. It will ease one day and you will only remember the good times. Best of luck to you.
Well it mas a mutual break up no dumping.