Sex jokes aren't funny...."I mean CUM on people".....

trippplextc8's Avatar
Q. Why are men smarter during sex???
A. Because during sex they are plugged into a "know-it-all".... Lol
A dick has a sad life, His hair is a mess...his family is nuts...his neighbor is an asshole..his best friend is a pussy and his owner beats him.
Sex is like air, its not important til your not getting any!
Sex is classified now as a misdemeanor, the more you miss da meaner ya get!! Lol
A female officer arrests a drunk, she warns him " you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you."
MAN says: "BOOBS"
I don't feel good today I need me some
Life is a lot like a penis , simple, soft, straight, relaxed and hanging freely
........then a woman makes it hard........
During sex you burn as much as running 8 kilometers.. Who the hell runs 8 kilometers in 30 seconds?
Kissing burns 6.4 calories a min... Wanna work out?
Ill suck your cock as if I'm dying and you CUM is my only cure..

Well I just found some funnies thought I'd share... Can't always be laughing by myself...