The Scariest Night Of My Life

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It's something that I don't usually like to discuss because it was so disturbing, but I want to get this off my chest and talk about the scariest night of my life.

It was a Saturday night in the summer when my coworkers and I had just finished a busy, hectic shift. I wasn't as tired as I normally was after getting my ass handed to me so when one of my coworkers begged me to come out with them to the Electric Cowboy for another coworker's birthday party, I agreed to go have ONE quick drink with the girls before going home, not knowing what terror would occur. The coworker that invited me out was closing down the establishment with me. She is a 4'10 red headed southern firecracker. Due to her stature, one might even mistake her for a little person, but make no mistake, she would fight and rival any grown man. We arrived at the same time and when we went through security they confiscated my pepper spray on my key chain.

I don't know if you've ever been to The Electric Cowboy in Little Rock, but everything about it is dirty and sketchy. Perhaps that is part of it's charm? I mean, I know it was my first time but what was I really expecting from a place called the "Electric Cowboy?" On the way up to the bar with my girlfriends I know I spotted three mullets, which is three mullets too many for me, honey. We got some Fireball shots and guys decided they had the audacity to speak to us. Like the mullets were bad enough, but now I'm expected to actually interract with people? This night just keeps getting worse. One guy (no mullet thankfully) came up to me and insisted that I should let him buy me a drink. Before I could tell him to fuck off my attack dog, Firecracker, grabbed my hand and hollered "What part of she likes pussy dont you understand??" in the most country accent I've ever heard and pulled me away. I am forever grateful to her. I had a few other strange men try to approach me and one even got mad when I told him I didn't want to dance and declined a drink from him. There is truly nothing more terrifying and bone chilling than toxic masculinity.

Long story short, 2 of my coworkers that rode together got into an argument and the one that drove decided to abandon her friend and go home with some young guy she just met. For FREE! I know, I don't understand it either. Of course we had to be sure our other girl that rode with Little Miss Free For All had a safe ride home since she lived in Searcy.

I had gone out for one QUICK after work drink with my coworkers and after turning into Mother Hen, that quick drink turned into me being there until all the lights came on at 5am, which is by far the scariest thing I can think of. This was almost 2 years ago and I have not agreed to go out with any of my coworkers since.
Sam454's Avatar
I have a feeling this should had been posted in a Man hating Facebook group.
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I have a feeling this should had been posted in a Man hating Facebook group. Originally Posted by Sam454
But I posted it here because I'm obviously not a man hater. Although it could certainly be posted in a mullet hating Facebook group.
Did you ride the mechanical bull, Vannah?

Back when I lived in Central Arkansas, a guy friend of mine and I used to go in there all the time just to people watch. Super interesting if you look at it from that perspective. And since I was already with a guy, the mullets kept their distance. Lol

I loved riding the mechanical bull whenever they had it set up. It’s harder than it looks, but I surprised myself with my longevity!
Vannah's Avatar
Did you ride the mechanical bull, Vannah?

Back when I lived in Central Arkansas, a guy friend of mine and I used to go in there all the time just to people watch. Super interesting if you look at it from that perspective. And since I was already with a guy, the mullets kept their distance. Lol

I loved riding the mechanical bull whenever they had it set up. It’s harder than it looks, but I surprised myself with my longevity! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
In all honesty, I mainly went for the mechanical bull and was upset to find out they no longer had it. It is fun to observe people in their natural habitat, but clubs just aren't my scene anyway. Luckily a couple of protective male coworkers showed up after a couple hours to keep the mullets at bay and make sure we got to our cars safely.
In all honesty, I mainly went for the mechanical bull and was upset to find out they no longer had it. It is fun to observe people in their natural habitat, but clubs just aren't my scene anyway. Luckily a couple of protective male coworkers showed up after a couple hours to keep the mullets at bay and make sure we got to our cars safely. Originally Posted by Vannah
How disappointing that they got rid of it! That was the best part. So much fun.
But I posted it here because I'm obviously not a man hater. Although it could certainly be posted in a mullet hating Facebook group. Originally Posted by Vannah
Take note everyone, when Vannah comes back everyone get rid of their mullet.
I am tempted to get a mullet wig to wear in on my first visit, LOL
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Vannah When I saw this I had to comment , I have been to the electric cowboy in Little Rock , It was the direction towards the airpot , not sure if there is more than one there . I was in cultural shock . I can honestly say its definitely a experience lol , but not one I want to revisit . The same night we also went to a place called Bobbisox , when I did not think a bar could be possibly worse , this one took the cake . it was AWFUL . I was also in my early 20's so bars where much more tolerable to me at that time in my life . I could not imagine now how bad that place is
I think electric cowboy is between chicot and university on I 30
I think Bobbisox was at airport holiday inn?
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  • Veles
  • 07-26-2021, 02:41 PM
With a name like that, I thought it was a gay bar.
I think it was more a throwback to the 50’s