Will LE show you their I.D.?

Britney_Jaye_Loves_You's Avatar
Will L.E. show you their I.D.? i'm curious I've started asking to see I.D.s and am wondering if it even matters?
Iceman's Avatar
I'm sure they would just show you their drivers license, not police ID.
heatherelite's Avatar
An undercover would just have fake (albeit very real, department issued) I.D. to go with his fake persona. And even if he did show you his real driver's license it's not going to have COP written on it. And even if it did, by that point it's kinda too late.
macksback's Avatar
Yeah but i will be as real as 6 dollar bill.
Britney_Jaye_Loves_You's Avatar
I just meant like would they show you their I.D. as in if they would reveal their real name like that or not I know it's not going to say cop on it.
heatherelite's Avatar
As I said in my earlier reply, no, they're not going to show you their "real" I.D. If they do show you an I.D. it will just be a fake one. If they show you their real one they know that you'll just warn everyone to run if they see a license that says "John Smith" who lives at 123 Main St. I also doubt the cop is going to want to show you something that has his home address on it-kinda defeats the purpose of being undercover.
Britney_Jaye_Loves_You's Avatar
Ok So I guess then asking for I.D./looking at it good & something from their job/ home bill etc would still be a good practice?
DMan6500's Avatar
You can ask for all the IDs and other references you want and undercover is not going to show you anything to reveal who he really his.
heatherelite's Avatar
I don't think asking for I.D. is going to help that much in the long-run. If they are LE, at the point where you're asking for I.D., they are already at your door/in your home/hotel. The main thing is to weed them out BEFORE they get to this point. Your best bet is definitely references from established providers. Ask him for the names/handles/e-mail/phone # of the providers he has seen and verify this. If he gives you vague info or tells you that they're all retired or UTR you may want to ask for his work info. Make sure you get the company name/address/phone #/website and verify it. If he won't do any of this....you may want to seriously reconsider seeing him.
Guest032213's Avatar
yes asking for a I.D will not save you from going to the cold house.lol just screen and follow above advice as well to stay away from all the drama, follow your gut feelings. screen screen! Good luck!
If you ask for an ID, it needs to be as a "final touch" (if you will) too all the OTHER screening you've completed.

For instance, you've validated EVERYTHING about John SexyMan, and everything checks out, you feel wonderful about the situation, his refrences were legit, all that goodness...

The final piece is to see an ID that says in fact his is John SexyMan and he does live on Wanker Way, and his age is correct. It should just set in concrete everyting you already know.

Beyond that, ID's aren't good for much.
I have been told that undercover Officers will go as far as get naked, but they can not for obvious reasons go any further. However, most officer will not put themselves in a moral situation like that.
As far as the ID, I have started using a Private Investigator to do my screenings. Of course he is a client and as we talked he told me what he did and we have a pretty good relationship. It help that he has access to several background search databases, and I have saved alot of money with going this route.
Yes they will show you an ID, I was in a "sting" and I asked the guy for id and he showed me his navy ID just before running to the door to open it for his backup.
Best bet is to make him touch you (breast, down there etc) before accepting any gift
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I don't know how it is in Illinois but there isn't any entrapment laws in Texas. Which means you can ask an officer to touch you anywhere and he can do it, and other things, and still arrest you.

The "ask him to touch you in a private place" tactic isn't a very good one, in my opinion. If they want you, they'll get you.

Once they're in the room, they have you. Period.

Good luck with the ID thing. Guess that it couldn't hurt. I never was much for it, though, myself.

This is just a rumor, but I heard an experienced girl in Florida tell me that Cops have their blood type on their ID. I have never seen one. I don't ask for it.