Who wants to get arrested!?!?!!

scaldwell0590's Avatar
Check this out on STG

This looks like a setup if I ever saw one. Tell chris hansen I said hi.
Toonman's Avatar
"Hi, I'm Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC. Why don't you have a seat over there?"

scaldwell0590's Avatar
And if you do, call that number. Hope you get locked up. Staff Edit The Dr
I wonder whose picture that is? Pretty sick of those pig bastards if that's a real girl, and not something digitally altered.
The photo could be a cadet thats just joking the PD or has already passed but isn't in the field doing police work. Like we have all said i hope they catch as many PEDS as possible ,sick dicks for sure
bustybabygirl's Avatar
They do underage stings in the Capital District on a pretty regular basis.

Last year they did one every month for six months in a row.

It’s on they’re agenda.
It's an election year. That is a carbon copy of the ad they used last time. Anybody who gets caught up in it is 1) an idiot, 2) a scumbag.

They are also replying to ads posted with normal ages and normal text on doublelist (probably other sites too). I responded to an ad for a couple seeking a guy, allegedly 40s. They immediately took it off email chain and it became very clear very quick what it was. Same number in that ad. So, be safe, it's not all as obvious as the STG ads.
Idk why this was posted, that's messed up. Clearly a set up and you watch some poor sap, got caught responding to this ad.
August Black's Avatar
Idk why this was posted, that's messed up. Clearly a set up and you watch some poor sap, got caught responding to this ad. Originally Posted by Kurrigan123
Not too sure I’d call someone responding to an ad that clearly says Edit The Dr a poor sap. A few other choice phrases but not a poor sap
VanessaDDD's Avatar
Let's just pray that it is a setup. Hopefully the police get anyone who responds to that ad off the streets!!!!
this is what the police should be doing and let the rest of us have our fun haha
Yo Thomas didn't even go down that road so just calm your jets fuck my ass with peroxide
Someone signed up... glad he is off the streets...
And he was a janitor for the APD !!! guess he will know how to clean up his own cell!! Get these pervs off the streets and in jail.
what a scum bag!!!