
Erin Taylor, she seems very legit, but I can’t find reviews of her here. Anybody seen here?
Thanks for any input
She seems legit. But asks for a deposit. No thank you.
joyote's Avatar
“…require deposits from all new clients”

a real bad idea
On her twitter when it was up and before her website was posted, said to simply ask if you had any questions. I asked politely it she had additional pictures. She came back with, "For $500 bucks I'll send you some".

Fair enough but not the personality I'm anxious to meet.
Elite Erin's Avatar
Elite Erin's Avatar
Asked? More like demanded. Feel free to act like a gentleman next time....
Elite Erin's Avatar
Real bad idea... that was really fun. You should teach a masterclass

Here I am :0) Originally Posted by Elite Erin
Just FYI … link is dead
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar